Yuk belajar bahasa Inggris lebih dalam ..........
Perbedaan Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia dan Kalimat Bahasa Inggris
1. Parts of Speech (Apa itu PANCAVIP ?? )
2. Pronoun ( Arti Macam dan Kegunaan )
- 7 Macam Pronoun
2. a. Possessive ( Arti Macam dan Kegunaan )
- Possessive Adjective
- Possessive Pronoun
- Perbedaan Possessive Adjective dan Possessive Pronoun
2. b. Refelexive (Arti Macam dan Kegunaan )
3. Adjective (Kata Sifat) Macam - Macam Adjective
4. Noun (Kata Benda)
- Material Noun
5. Conjunction FANBOYS (Kata Sambung / Hubung)
- Compound & Complex Conjunction
6. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
7. Verb (Kata Kerja)
7.a Transitive dan Intransitive Verb
7.b Regular dan Irregular Verb
8. Interjection (Kata Seru)
9. Preposition (Kata Depan)
10. Sentence Classification (Pembagian Macam Kalimat)
- Kalimat Verbal dan Nominal (Verbal and Nominal Sentence)
- Imperative Sentence (Kalimat perintah)
- Exclamatory Sentence
11. Question Word (Kata Tanya)
- Tenses yang sering digunakan
1) Simple Present
2) Present Continous
3) Present Perfect
4) Present Perfect Continous
5) Simple Past
6) Past Continous
7) Past Perfect
8) Past Perfect Continous
9) Simple Future
10) Future Continous
11) Future Perfect
12) Future Perfect Continous
13) Simple Past Future
14) Past Future Continous
15) Past Future Perfect
16) Past Future Perfect Continous
13. 1) Kalimat Nominal Simple Present dan Present Continous
2) Kalimat Nominal Present Perfect dan Present Perfect Continous
3) Kalimat Nominal Simple Past dan Past Continous
4) Kalimat Nominal Past Perfect dan Past Perfect Continous
5) Kalimat Nominal Simple Future dan Future Continous
6) Kalimat Nominal Future Perfect dan Future Perfect Continous
7) Kalimat Nominal Simple Past Future dan Past Future Continous
8) Kalimat Nominal Past Future Perfect dan Past Future Perfect Continous
14. 3 Complemets (3 Pelengkap)
15. Reciprocal Pronoun
16. Indefinitive Pronoun
17. Demonstrative (Kata Tunjuk)
18. Artikel A, An, dan The
19. Modal Auxiliary
- Kalimat Verbal dan Nominal di Modal
- Semi Modal (Need & Dare)
- Ought To
- Used To
20. Similar Modal (SEOM)
21. NO and ANY
22. 3 Conditional Sentences (3 Kalimat Pengandaian)
23. Question Tag
24. The Degree Comparison (Tingkat Perbandingan)
25. Double Comparative
26. Passive Voice
1) Bentuk Kalimat Present Tense di Passive
2) Bentuk Kalimat Past Tense di Passive
3) Bentuk Kalimat Future Tense di Passive
4) Bentuk Kalimat Past Future Tense di Passive
5) Modal Aux dan SEOM di Passive
27. WHOSE (Milik Siapa)
28. Has, Have, Own, Possess (kata kerja yang bermakna "memiliki")
29. Belong To
30. The Elliptical Structure
31. Causative Verbs
32. Separable dan Nonseparable Verb dan Preposition
33. Direct Indirect Speech (Kalimat Langsung dan Tidak Langsung)
34. Parallel Structure
35. Derivatives (Perubahan Bentuk)
36. Clause (Klausa)
1) Adjective Clause
2) Noun Clause
3) Adverbial Clause
37. Gerund
1) The keys of the gerund
2) Bentuk - bentuk gerund
38. Bound Preposition
39. Participle
1) Present Participle
2) Past Participle
40. The Concord (Kesesuaian Subject dan Verb auxiliary atau ordinary)
41. Preferences (Pilihan)
42. Penggunaan Kata Benda Jamak dan Tunggal (Singular and Plural Nouns)
43. Expletive Subjects
44. Linking Verbs
45. To Infinitive
46. Penggunaan "IT"
47. Case Grammar
- Nominative Case / Subjunctive
- Possessive Case / Genetive
- Objective Case / Accusative
48. Distributive Adjective
49. Fungsi Spesial Degree (Perbandingan)
50. Letak Adverb (Kata Keterangan) dalam Kalimat
51. Phrase (Noun Phrase, Adjective Phrase dan Adverbial Phrase)
52. Verb of Mental Activity
53. Antecedent
54. Word Formation
1) Noun Compounds (pembentukan kata benda)
2) Adjective Compounds (Pembentukan kata sifat)
3) Verb Compounds (Pembentukan kata kerja)
55. MOOD
56. SO
57. Fairly, Quite, Rather
58. Punctuations (Tanda Baca)
59. Penggunaan " It "
60. Auxiliary Verbs
61. The Components of Language
62. Perbedaan Sentence dan Clause
- Perbedaan Pharse, Clause dan Sentence
63. Omitting Reducing Abridgment
64. Intensifying Adverb
65. Finite & Infinite Verb
66. Emphasis Auxiliary (Penekanan)
67. Adverb (Sentence, Explanatory, Exclamatory, Interrogative, Conjunctive Adverb)
68. Non Progressive Verb
69. Certain Adjective
70. Compound Connector
71. Konsep Dua Kejadian (K2K)
72. Stative Passive
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