Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase, Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase
Apa sih itu Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase, Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase ?? Apa saja fungsinya dalam sebuah kalimat ?? yuk langsung saja baca dan nambah ilmu ....
kata – kata pendahulunya (introductory
words or pivot words), phrase dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu :
1. Prepositional Phrase.
2. Participal Phrase.
3. Invinitive Phrase.
4. Gerund Phrase.
1. Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional Phrase adalah ungkapan yang
mengandung preposisi (kata depan), dan
biasanya dapat dipakai / berfungsi sebagai Noun, Adjective, atau Adverb.
e.g :
1. The report
will be sent in a few days.
2. He is
sometimes angry with his wife.
3. I’m sorry fo having come late.
4. The
traffic sign points to the left.
2. Participal Phrase
Participal Phrase adalah ungkapan yang
mengandung participle yang biasanya berfungsi sebagai adjective.
e.g :
1. Not knowing anyone in town, he felt very lonesome.
2. Having finished his assigment, he went
3. Having lost all my money, I went home.
4. Students arriving late will not be
permitted to enter the lecture hall.
late menjelaskan student).
5. We heard
the children crying.
Arti atau pengertian dari kalimat yang
mengandung participal phrase dapat menunjukkan :
1. Waktu
a. after (
sesudah )
Having finished all the work, she went
menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan, dia pulang)
b. While
or When ( ketika
Walking along the street, I met a friend
whom I had not seen for a long time.
berjalan sepanjang jalan, saya bertemu teman yang telah lama saya tidak
2. Cause
( sebab )
worked hard all his life, he decided to take a long vacation.
(Karena telah bekerja keras sepanjang
hidupnya, maka dia mengambil liburan panjang)
Tetapi kadang – kadang dapat juga
menunjukkan pengertian waktu dan sebab bersama – sama.
Misalnya : Having eaten too much, he became sleepy.
sebab : karena makan terlalu banyak.
Sesudah : makan terlalu banyak.
Maka : dia menjadi mengantuk.
Perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut ini :
1. Needing some money to buy
a book, Asma cashed a check. (because he
needed some money to buy a book, Asma chased a check).
2. Being unable to afford a
car, she bought a bicycle. (because she
was unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle).
3. Invinitive Phrase.
Invinitive Phrase adalah adalah ungkapan
yang mengandung infinitive dan infinitive phrase dapat digunakan atau berfungsi
sebagai Noun, Adjective, atau Adverb.
e.g :
Infinitive phrase sebagai Noun
1. To read books means to enlarge one’s horizons.
2. To see his children again will make him happy.
3. To learn English, you must have intention and practice every day.
4. To ask more money would be
5. To do that is difficult for me.
Infinitive Phrase sebagai
Adjective :
1. He wanted clubs to juggle acrobatically.
2. The poison was strong enough
to have killed ten people.
3. He is a good man for you to know.
Infinitive Phrase sebagai Adverb :
1. He read to enlarge his horizons.
2. He has been warned not to do that again.
3. I had opened to see her soon.
4. Gerund Phrase
Gerund Phrase adalah ungkapan yang
mengandung gerund , dan biasanya hanya berfungsi hanya sebagai Noun.
e.g :
1. Reading books enlarges one’s horizons.
2. Playing with guns is dangerous.
3. Taking a long walk every day is good
4. Cleaning house every day is not
5. The
broadcasting by that station comes from the top of a skyscraper.
Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase, Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase ....
Terima kasih telah berkunjung, semoga bermanfaat : )
Terima kasih telah berkunjung, semoga bermanfaat : )