
Friday 21 December 2018

Kalimat Verbal dan Nominal di Modal

  Kalimat Verbal dan Nominal di Modal

                Seperti yang kita tahu, sentence ( kalimat ) secara umum dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu kalimat verbal ( verbal sentence ) dan kalimat nominal ( nominal sentence ). Begitu pula di Modal Auxiliary, Modal Auxiliary juga mempunyai bentuk kalimat verbal dan nominal. Lalu bagaimana ya cara membuat dan pola kalimat verbal dan nominal di Modal ?? yuk langsung saja baca dan nambah ilmu ...

Kalimat Verbal dan Nominal di Modal

                Kalimat verbal dan nominal juga terdapat pada Modal, tapi sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh tentang kalimat verbal dan nominal di Modal, ada baiknya kita mengetahui jenis – jenis dari Modal terlebih dahulu, berikut jenis atau macam dari modal :
1. Can
2. May
3. Must
4. Shall
5. Will
6. Ought to
7. Had better
8. Could
9. Might
10. Had to
11. Should
12. Would

                Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita tidak akan membahas tentang fungsi modal (untuk penjelasan selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini ‘MODAL’), kita hanya fokus pada kalimat verbal dan nominal saja.

                Rumus / Formula :
Kalimat Verbal
Kalimat Nominal
MODAL + Be + A.N.A
(Adjective, Noun, Adverb)

    Dalam kalimat verbal, setelah Modal Auxiliary harus diikuti oleh V1 ( present tense ) untuk semua subject, bahkan untuk subject tunggal sekalipun ( he, she, it, a cat, Bob ). Untuk kalimat nominal, setelah Modal Auxiliary harus diikuti oleh be ( bentuk asli be ) lalu diikuti oleh Adjective ( kata sifat ) atau Noun ( kata benda ) atau Adverb ( kata keterangan ).

                1. CAN
                *) Kalimat Verbal ( Verbal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- I can sing a beatiful song.
- She can cook rendang.
- Sofia can type with ten fingers.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- We can be late If we don’t go now.
- Salma can be very angry when she is getting period.
- The meeting can  be very boring without him.

                2. MAY
                *) Kalimat Verbal ( Verbal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- I may not come late today.
- She may ask something on her birthday.
- Aziz may take a lot of food on the table.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                    e.g ( contoh ) :
- Helena may be in the library.
May I be here ?
- They may be tired after walking for eight hours.

                3. MUST
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- I must get a good value in this test.
- We must obey the rules.
Must Abdul consume the medicine ?

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                    e.g ( contoh ) :
- She must be mad because of him.
- I must be patient to face children.
- Susan must be girlish in this play.

                4. Shall
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                    e.g ( contoh ) :
- We shall do the duty now.
- You shall call your mother.
- The rich shall help the poor.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- You shall be in your room.
- She shall be a good teacher.
- He shall be a kind boy.

                5. Will
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                    e.g ( contoh ) :
- I will attend my friend’s wedding party.
- She will study English next month..
- They will visit their teacher’s house.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- We will be there tomorrow.
- They will be on the second floor tonight.
- Zaenudin will be in Egypt next year.

                6.  Ought to
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- We ought to do the duty now.
- You ought to call your mother.
- The rich ought to help the poor.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                 e.g ( contoh ) ::
- You ought to be in your room.
- She ought to be a good teacher.
- He ought to be a kind boy.

                7. Had better
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- We had better eat vegetable.
- You had better tell me the truth.
- She had better marry soon.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- He had better be in time.
- We had better be happy.
- You had better be carefull every time.

                8. COULD
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                    e.g ( contoh ) ::
- I could run fast when I was in elementary school.
- Bella could dance a traditional dance.
- Hida could climb tree.
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- Rumi could be a cute girl.
- Dimas could be discipline in school.
- Tiara could be famous.

                9. MIGHT
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- Yura might leave the meeting.
- I might not eat candy.
- He might stay up.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- He might be fussy.
Might they be stingy ?
- Wisnu might be fine.

                10. SOULD
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- He should bring the report.
- We should arrive soon.
- She should say it.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- Lena should be pretty girl.
- He should be in the court.
- Yusman should be a firefighter.

                12. WOULD
                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- I would attend my friend’s wedding party.
- She would study English last month.
- They would visit their teacher’s house.

                *) Kalimat Nominal ( Nominal Sentence )
                     e.g ( contoh ) :
- We would be there yesterday.
- They would be on the second floor last night.
- Zaenudin would be in Egypt last year.

       Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai Kalimat Verbal dan Nominal di Modal ...
Terima kasih telah berkunjung,   Semoga bermanfaat : )



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