Yuk belajar bahasa Inggris yang wajib dipelajari buat persiapan TOEFL ....
1. Word Form (Common Ending)
2. Error In Word Choices
3. Inversion
4. Quantifier
5. Subject - Verb agreement
6. Word Orders
7. Parts of Sentence (Bagian - Bagian Kalimat)
8. Regular - Irregular Noun (Kata Benda beraturan dan tidak beraturan)
9. Meaning From Word Parts (Arti dari Sebuah Bagian Kata)
10. MAKE and DO
11. Preposition (Kata Depan)
12. Conjunction (Kata Sambung / Kata Hubung)
- Compound & Complex Conjunction
13. Certain Verb
14. Gender Noun List
15. Ditransitive Verb dan Complex Transitive
16. To Infinitive
17. Rumus Spesial Degree of Comparison (Tingkat Perbandingan)
18. Possessive Case / Genetive
19. Objective Case / Accusative
20. Possessive (Kepemilikan)
21. Distributive Adjective
22. Fungsi Adjetive (Attributive dan Predicative)
23. Fungsi Spesial Degree (Perbandingan)
24. Adjective - Pronoun Agreement
25. Pronoun - Antecedent Agreement
26. Appositive Phrase
27. Letak Adverb (Kata Keterangan) dalam Kalimat
28. Verb of Mental Activity
29. Kesalahan Penempatan Penjelas / Modifier (Modifier Problems)
30. Word Formation
31. MOOD
32. Punctuations (Tanda Baca)
33. Auxiliary Verbs
34. Perbedaan Sentence dan Clause
35. Omitting Reducing Abridgment
36. 7 Kinds of Pronoun (7 Macam Pronoun)
37. Intensifying Adverb
38. Finite & Infinite Verb
39. Adverb (Sentence, Explanatory, Exclamatory, Interrogative, Conjunctive Adverb)
40. Non Progressive Verb
41. Certain Adjective
42. Compound Connector
43. Konsep Dua Kejadian (K2K)
44. Semi Modal (Need & Dare)
45. Stative Passive
46. Used To
47. Proper Collective Noun dan Material Noun
48. Plenty of dan A large amount of
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