
Friday 23 November 2018

Word Orders (Susunan Kata) | TOEFL Structure


               Apa sih itu word orders ( susunan kata ) ? Lalu bagaimana cara menyusun kata sesuai dengan word ordernya ?? masih bingung ?? yuk simak penjelasannya ......

Word Orders (Susunan Kata) | TOEFL Structure

      Terkadang dalam menyusun atau menganalisis sebuah kalimat kita bingung menentukan apakah kalimat itu benar atau tidak, maka dari itu kita harus mengetahui susunan dari kalimat yang benar, terutama untuk teman – teman yang sedang belajar bahasa inggris untuk mengikuti tes TOEFL.

   Berikut uraian penjelasan mengenai word orders (susunan kata) :

                A) Susunan Kata yang  Salah
 1. Adjective + Adverb
2. Adjective + Verb
3. Adjective  >  tanpa diikuti noun
                >  tanpa diawali be / Linking Verb
4. Adverb + Noun
5. Noun + Adjective
6. Noun (plural) + Noun
7. Preposition + Verb
8. Preposition + S + Verb
9. Conjunction + Object
10. Adjective + Pronoun (dan sebaliknya)
11. Pronoun + Noun (dan sebaliknya)

                B) Susunan Kata yang  Benar

1. Noun Phrase
                Adjective + Noun
        e.g ( contoh ) : - beautiful girl, girl beautiful
                                   - amazing story, story amazing
                Adverb + V-ing / V-3 + Noun
        e.g ( contoh ) : - beautifully dancing girl, beautifully girl dancing, girl dancing beautifully.
                Adverb + Adjective + Noun
        e.g ( contoh ) : - commonly amazed song, amazed song  commonly, song amazed commonly.
                Noun (singular) + Noun
        e.g ( contoh ) : - football, feetball, feetballs
                             - book-store, book-stores, books-stores, books-store.

2. Be / Linking Verb + Adjective
        e.g ( contoh ) : - They are kind, She is diligent.

3. Be + Adjective / Noun / Adverb
        e.g ( contoh ) : - You are busy, He is a doctor.

4. Verb + Noun
        e.g ( contoh ) : - They took dictionary, We lend him our notes.

5. Noun + Verb
        e.g ( contoh ) : - The cats catch fish, A performance looks entertaining.

6. Preposition + Objects      > Noun
                                                > Pronoun
                                                > Noun Phrase
                                                > Noun Clause ( Conjunction + Subject + Verb )
                                                > Gerund (V-ing) + Object
7. Conjunction + Verb
        e.g ( contoh ) : -He is good at swimming, They used to get up early.

8. Conjunction + Subject + Verb
9. 1 Conjunction 2 Verbs
        e.g ( contoh ) : - I don’t know what they discuss now.

   Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai cara menyusun kata ( word orders ) ......

  Terima kasih telah berkunjung, semoga bermanfaat : )



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