Preposition ( kata depan ) selalu menyertai sebuah kata, kata depan yang tidak bisa terlepas dari suatu kata, baik itu verb ( kata kerja ), adjective ( kata sifat ), itulah yang disebut dengan bound preposition ( kata depan terikat ).
preposition (kata depan terikat) adalah preposisi yang pemakaiannya harus
disesuaikan dengan kata – kata sebelumnya.
E.g ( contoh ) :
- He
was angry with you last night.
- she is
always jealous of my friends.
- Do
you agree with them ?
- He
is interested in her.
Please smile at me.
- Are you afraid
of us ?
- I am different
from you.
- He was accused
of stealing your money.
- Last night
I dreamt about / of my parent.
- She is successful
in her business.
- We are clever
at English.
- I am curious
about what he does.
- This book consists
of many lessons.
- It depends
on you.
agree (to), angry (at), begin. Communicate, compare (to), compete
(against), comply, confused, contrast (to), cope, correspond, disgusted, help
(in), interfered (in), mix, occupied, part, pleased, quarrel (about), reason,
satisfied (by), threatened, consistent, aquatinted, annoyed, argue (about),
associated, blessed, bored, disappointed (in), compare (to), cluttered,
content, coordinated, cover, crowded, done, equipped, familiar, filled,
finished, friendly (to), furnished, patient, provided, upset.
curious, doubtful (of), enthusiatic, reluctant (to), right (in), ueasy,
argue, concerned, dream (of), excited, forget, tell.
angry (with), bad, clever, efficient, expert (in), good, indignant,
quick, sad (about), slow, skillful (in), amused (by), arrive (in), astonished
(by), exclaim, glance, guess, knock, look, point (to), shocked (by), stare,
surprised (by), wonder (about), work (on).
accustomed, amount, appeal, apply (for), attached, attend, belong,
challenge, compare (with), condemned, confess, confine, consent, convert,
entitled, listen, mention, object, occur, prefer, react (against), reply,
respond, seem, submit, surrender, turn, yield, close, contrary, cruel, dear,
equal, faithful, fatal, harmful, indifferent, inferior, liable, obedient,
new, obvious, polite, previous, rude, sensitive, similar, useful, abhorrent,
acceptable, adjacent, amenable, applicable, detrimental, distasteful,
essential, friendly, generous, hateful, hostile, indebted, interior,
injurious, kind, loyal natural, painful, painless, partial, peculiar,
appropriate, attentive, beneficial, conducive, patient, pleasent, prone,
relevant, repugnant, sacred, strang, addicted, committed, connected,
contribute, dedicated, devoted, engaged, exposed, grateful (for), limited,
look forward, married, opposed, related, respond, sebscribe, used.
Account, ask (of), act (on), apologize (to), blame, beg, call, charge,
exchange, look hope, mistake, mourn, pay, prepare, provide, search, thank,
vote (on), wait (on), eager, enough, famous, fit, grateful (to), qualified
(in), ready (to), responsible, sorry, sufficiet, thankful (to), valid, care
(about), excuse, fight, forgive, remembered, subtitutem, apply (to).
Absent, different, distinguish, free, immune,
remote, save, safe, separate, borrow, defend (against),
demand (of), differ, dismiss, draw, emerge, escape, excuse (for), hinder,
prevent, prohibit, protect (against), receiive, suffer, away, far, divorced,
hide, distinct, recover, rescue, stop, tired (of), made (of / by / in).
Believe, delight, employ, encourge, experience, fail, help, (with),
include, indulge, instruct, interested, invest, involve, persist, share,
succeed, deficient, efficient, proficient, rich, successful, fortunate,
honest, weak, disappointed, dressed, excel.
accuse, approve, assure, boast (about), complain (about), consist,
convince (about), cure, despair, dream (about), expect (from), hear (from),
get, rid, smell, suspect, think (about), tired (from), warn (against),
afraid, art, ahead, aware, capable, careful (with), certain, chance, choice,
conscious, envious, fond, guilty, honor, habit, idea, ignorant, importance,
independent, intend, intention, kind (to), jealous, method, opportunity,
north, south, west, east, sort, shy, sure, worthy, right, possibility,
abreast, certain, characteristic, composed, innocent, proud, scared, take
care, terrified, made (from / by / in).
act, based, call, comment, concentrate, congratulate, consult (about),
count, decide, depend, economize, embark, experiment, go, insist, keep, lean
(against), live, operate, perform (in), pride, rely, vote, (one motion / for
someone), write (about), dependent, intent, keen.
Nah, itulah penjelasan Daftar dari Bound Preposition (Kata DepanTerikat) ..
Terima kasih telah berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat : )........
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