
Friday 23 November 2018

INVERSION | Arti Macam Contoh dan Syarat


                Apa sih itu inversion ?? Bagaimana aturannya dalam sebuah kalimat dan cara membentuknya ? masih bingung ? yuk simak ulasannya berikut ini ....

INVERSION | Arti Macam Contoh dan Syarat

                Inversion (pembalikan)  adalah suatu kalimat yang kata kerja / verb – nya (baik ordinary maupun auxiliary) mendahalui subjeknya, tapi bukanlah bentuk interrogative (?).

                Syarat – syarat kalimat inversion :
1. Jika ada kata “there” mengawali kalimat. Dan “there” bermakna “ada”.
    E.g ( contoh ) :
           There   is  a boy in the room.               ( ada seorang anak laki - laki di dalam ruangan )
                         V       S
           There  are  some boys in front of the gate.
                         V                 S

2. Ada preposition ( kata depan ) sebagai adverb ( kata keterangan ) yang mengawali kalimat. Dan main verb berupa V1 ( Present tense ).
    E.g ( contoh ) :
      Under the tree stand two students.        ( Di bawah pohon berdiri dua murid. )
                               V                  S

3. Conditional sentence tanpa If / Unless.
    E.g ( contoh ) :
       If I were your aunt, I would tell the truth  =>  Were   your aunt, I would tell the truth.
                                                                                  V       S

4. Jika ada kata bermakna negatif mengawali kalimat.
    (never, hardly, seldom, not only, at no time, etc.)
    E.g ( contoh ) :
       Never did the boy call his parents.
                  V           S

5. Jika ada kata only + a time expression mengawali kalimat.
    E.g ( contoh ) :
        Only once was  Jack angry with me.
                            V       S

6. Jika ada kata so, such, little diawal kalimat.
    E.g ( contoh ) :
       Little does he know that the information is true.
                  V      S

7. Passive voice. 

     Kalimat pasif juga bisa di- inversikan ( di balikkan )
    E.g ( contoh ) :
       Borrowed by his friend were the novels.
                                                        V                S

8. Comparison Degree
    E.g ( contoh ) :
       He is as smart as his friend is  =>  He is as smart as is his friend.
                                                                                           V     S

   Untuk pembahasan lebih lengkapnya, silahkan lihat di tabel ini :
Inverted Sentence
Normal Sentence
Seldom have I seen tigers
I have seldom seen tigers
Rarely did I have a dream
rarely had  dream
Barely do I know about her
barely know about her
Scarcely had she finished reading when she fell asleep
She had scarcely finished reading when she fell asleep
Hardly (ever)
Hardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang
I had hardly  got into bed when the telephone rang
Never have I seen snow
I have never seen snow
Neither could I laugh nor could I cry
I could neither laugh nor cry
Neither could I laugh nor could I cry
I could neither laugh nor cry
No longer
No longer is she at home
She is no longer at home
Not sooner
No sooner had I started moving the lawn than it started raining
I had no sooner started moving the lawn than it started raining
Not once
Not once was he on time
He was not once on time
Not only
Not only is he diligent, but also he is smart
He is not only diligent, but also smart
Nowhere have I had bad service
I have nowhere had bad service
Little did I know
I knew little

2. NOT / ONLY +
Not until
Not until I saw ohny with own eyes, did I really believe he was safe.
Not since
Not since Lucy left collage, had she had such a wonderful time.
Only after
Only after I had seen her flat, did I understand why she wanted to live there.
Only when
Only when we had all arrived home, did I feelcalm
Only if
Only if you have a serious problem, should you call me at home.
Only by / in / at etc
Only by working extremely hard, could we afford to eat.
Only in an emergency, should you use this exit.

Inverted Sentence
Normal Sentene
Should you require any further information, please contact us at our office.
If you should require any further information, please contact us at our office.
Were the negotiation to fall through, it would bring about unforeseen problems.
If the negotiation were to fall through, , it would bring about unforeseen problems.
Had I been there, the problem would not have happened.
If I had been there, the problem would not have happened.

4. SO...THAT
Inverted Sentence
Normal Sentene
So beautiful was the girl that nobody could talk of anything else.
The girl was so beautiful that nobody could talk of anything else.
So delicious was the food that we ate ever last bite.
The food was so delicious that we ate ever last bite.
So quickly did he run that the others could not catch up with him.
He  ran so quickly that the others could not catch up with him.

Inverted Sentence
Normal Sentene
Into the room ran the lady
The lady run into the room
In front of mesuem is the statue
The statue is in front of the museum
Round the corner came the knights
The knight came round the corner
Here I am
I am here


Nah, itulah penjelasan mengenai  Arti Macam Contoh dan Syarat INVERSION ......

  Terima kasih telah berkunjung,  Semoga Bermanfaat : )



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