
Thursday 29 November 2018

To Infinitive | Arti Macam Fungsi dan Contoh


To Infinitive | Arti Macam Fungsi dan Contoh

                To infinitive adalah bentuk verb berupa to + V1 yang bisa difungsikan sebagai A.N.A (Adjective, Noun, Adverb).

                Karakteristik :

1. Bentuk             :  To + V1
                                Jika To Infinitive 1, maka kata gantinya “It”
                                Jika To Infinitive lebih dari 1, maka kata gantinya “They”
2. Makna             :  Verb
3. Fungsi              :  Adjective, Noun, Adverb
4. Jenis Verb       :  semua verb kecuali modal
5. Hitungan         :  uncountable
6. Pola Tenses    :
General Form
(+) To + V1
(+) To + be + V3
(-) Not + to + V1
(-) Not + to be + V3
Perfect Form
(+) To have + V3
(+) To have been + V3
(-) Not + to have + V3
(-) Not to have been + V3

                NOTE : Pola Perfect / Past form bisa digunakan jika ada indikasi to infinitive terjadi lebih dahulu dari pada main verb.

                E.g :  Memahami satu sama lain bisa menciptakan perdamaian.
    Perfect     : To understand one another can create peace.
    Past          : To have understood one another can create peace.

7.  Modifier of To Infinitive
                Kinds     :  a) Subject of To Infinitive
                                   b) Object of To Infinitive
                                   c) Adverb of To Infinitive
                                   d) Complement of To Infinitive

                a) Subject of To Infinitive
  Kinds :
                1) Subject Full
  Subject Full adalah Subject yang dimunculkan
  Syarat : - terdapat preposisi of / for (bagi)
                  - jatuh setelah certain Adjective (wrong, right, stupid, foolish, noble, etc....)
  E.g :  I study grammar without loving it.
                => for me to study grammar without loving it.
                => it is wrong for me to study grammar without loving it.

                2) Subject Less
  Subject Less adalah subject yang tidak dimunculkan karena :
                1. sudah diketahui khalayak umum
                   E.g :  (for us) to smoke causes lungs cancer.
                2. sudah diketahui dari kontek
                   E.g :  (for me) to cheat makes me stupid.

                b) Object of To Infinitive

   To Infinitive berupa Verb transitive
    E.g  :   Memarahi anak – anak memberikan efek negatif
                => To scold kids gives negative effect.

                c) Adverb of To Infinitive

  To Infinitive berupa Verb intransitive
    E.g  :  Mengendarai secara ugal – ugalan itu merugikan  orang lain.
                => To drive recklessly damages other people.

                d) Complement of To Infinitive

  To Infinitive berupa Linking Verb
    E.g  :  Nampak tidak rapi, Udin dipandang rendah.
                => To seem untidy, Udin is looked down.

                Fungsi To Infinitive

  Kinds   :  A. Nominal Function
                  B. Adjectival Function
                  C. Adverbial Function

   A. Nominal Function

To  Infinitive sebagai  Nominal Function adalah To Infinitive yang difungsikan sebagai noun.
     Posisi         :  Subject / Object
     Kinds         :
                         a) To Inf as Subject of Verb
             Pola :  Subect (to inf) + Verb (finite verb)
             E.g   :  To be a professor is my dream.

                         b) To Inf as Subjunctive Complement
             Pola :  Subject + Linking Verb + Subjunctive Complement
             E.g   :  What I want is to live with you.

                         c) To Inf as Subject after Anticipitory It
             Pola :  It is + Subjunctive Complement + real subject (to Inf)
             E.g   :  It is nice to meet you.

                         d) To Inf as Object of Preposition

                         e) To Inf as Object of Verb
             Pola :  Subject + V (Intransitive) + Object
             E.g   :  - I hope (be) to be able to find my future here.
                         - Jodi promised (not, betray) not to betray his darling.

   B. Adjectival  Function

To  Infinitive sebagai  Adjectival Function adalah To Infinitive yang difungsikan sebagai adjective.
    Posisi       :  Penjelas Noun dan Pronoun
    Kinds       :
                      1. To Inf as Post – Modifier of Noun
                      a) Jatuh setelah certain noun
                      suggestion, advice, challenge, choice, motivation, decision,....
                          E.g :  Your decision to leave me is a big mistake.

                      b) Hasil reducing Relative Pronoun Subjek
                          E.g : - Someone who is accused as a home wrecker cries.
                                                           to be
                                   - The only woman who loves me unconditionally is my mother.
                                                                          to love

                      c) Hasil reducing Relative Pronoun Objek
                          E.g  : I will look for something which I can eat.
                                                                                       to eat

                      2. To Inf as Objective Complement
                Pola : Subject + Verb (Transitive) + Object + Objective Complement (to inf)
                E.g   :
                                                - My father forbides me (date) to date a girl.
                                                - Panji wants me (deliver) to deliver his love letter.

   C. Adverbial  Function

To  Infinitive sebagai  Adverbial Function adalah To Infinitive yang difungsikan sebagai adveb.
   Posisi        :  Penjelas adverb, verb, adjective dan sentence
   Kinds        :
                      a) Hasil reducing adverbial clause of Condition, Reason, That, Result dan Purpose.
                          E.g :
                                1. If I had a lot of money, I would treat you.
                                  => To have a lot of money, I would treat you.

                                2. Because Mr. Je is absent, he gives us duty.
                                  => To be absent, Mr. Je gives us duty.

                                3. I am happy that I meet you.
                                  => I am happy to meet you.

                                4. Rizki studies hard in order that she can get a good score.
                                  => Rizki studies hard  to get a good score.

                                5. Ruli worked well, so that he got promotion.
                                  => . Ruli worked well to get promotion.

                      b) To Inf after Certain Adjective
                          happy, ready, lucky , etc,....
                         E.g : Are you ready to go ?

                      c) To Inf after too / enough
                         E.g :  - You are too good to be mine.
                                   - The girl is smart enough to answer the question.

           Semoga bermanfaat : )



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