Letak Kata Keterangan (Adverb) dalam kalimat
kata keterangan ( adverb ) dalam suatu kalimat pada umumnya menggunakan pola
sebagai berikut :
1. Dalam keadaan biasa, kata
keterangan disusun dalam urutan Adverb of Place or Direction, Adverb of
Frequency, Adverb of Time (A.of P or D, A.of F, A.of T)
e.g ( contoh ) :
I have been to London several times this year.
He walks round the park twice before supper.
She gave lectures at the college three days a week last year.
2. Dalam keadaan biasa, kata
keterangan (adverb) disusun dalam urutan Adverb of Manner, Place and Time.
Alfiah studies seriously at school every day.
Azka ate food greedily at home this morning.
My elder brother worked hard at the office yesterday.
3. Adverb of Frequency
menempati posisi setelah kata kerja bantu (Auxiliary Verb atau Modal), bila
dalam kalimat ada kata kerja bantunya
I have almost finished working.
They did not even try to help.
She has just taken a nap.
He has already come.
4. Bila terdapat ‘verb of
movement’ atau kata kerja yang menunjukkan gerak atau perpindahan, maka di
belakangnya langsung diikuti ‘adverb of place’ yang seolah – olah berfungsi
sebagai obyek tujuan. Kata kerja tersebut misalnya : go, move, visit, come,
run, walk, jump, travel, dan lain sebagainya.
He will go to Bali by plane.
She drives her car slowly to the village.
We finally arrived home after spending the whole
night on the road.
5. Bila dalam sebuah kalimat
terdapat beberapa keterangan yang sejenis, maka kata keterangan tersebut,
disusun mulai dari urutan yang terkecil. Namun pola – pola tersebut di atas
tetap di pakai (nomor 1 – 4).
visited the hospital in Jl. Jend. Sudirman, on foot, reluctanly, at 9 o’clock
last Sunday.
6. Beberapa jenis adverb
tertentu dapat menempati diletakkan pada tiga posisi dalam suatu kalimat, di
awal, di tengah di akhir kalimat, namun ada pula beberapa adverb yang hanya
dapat menempati pada satu atau dua posisi tertentu dalam suatu kalimat.
berikut ini adalah ringkasan mengenai posisi yang paling umum maupun yang kurang
umum untuk berbagai jenis Adverb dalam suatu kalimat.
Type of
Most Usually
Possible positions
of Manner
Final position :
The army advanced toward the enemy slowly and silently.
Hard, fast, well, slow, nicely, badly, poorly are
used only in end position.
Middle position (mostly for one word adverbs) :
The army slowly and silently advanced
toward the enemy.
Initial position (for emphasis, often has a more
literary tone) :
Slowly and silently the army
advanced toward the enemy.
of Place and Direction
Final position :
Go home (or there, here, away, inside, etc)
Initial position occasionally used. In
such cases the word order is often reserved :
There sat a mean-looking man.
Adverb of Time
A. Definite Time
Final position :
We submitted the report to the committee yesterday.
Initial position :
Yesterday we submitted the report to the committee.
Middle position is rare for definite
time :
We have today sent the books you
B. Indefinite Time
1. Adverb like soon, recently
2. Adverb of Sequence
3. Adverb of Frequency
Middle position :
We soon found our mistake.
Initial position :
Next, we take up the use of adverbs
Middle position :
They often (or sometimes)
have trouble with the television set.
Always and never appear mostly in middle position :
He always (or never)
does his work well.
Never is not used in final
position, always and somestimes appear there.
Always does not usually occur in initial
Never is occasionally found there; in
such a case a revelsal of word order is required :
Never has he done such thing before.
Initial position :
Soon we found our mistake.
Final position :
We found our mistake soon.
Middle position :
We next take up the use of adverbs.
Final position :
We take up the use of adverbs next.
Initial position :
Often (or sometimes) they have trouble with the television set.
Final position :
They have trouble with the television set often (orsometimes)
(only if the sentence or clause is
Middle position is rare for word
groups such as many times, once or twice.
Intensifying adverb
A. Adverb of Degree
B. Distinguishing adverbs
Position preceding the word being
intensified :
The weather is very hot this
They have completely won our
Position preceding the word or structure
being emphasized :
Only Mary passed in Greek.
Mary passed only in Greek.
You can only guess my anguish.
Adverbs of degree used with verbs
may occur in final position.
They have won our hearts completely.
Distinguishing adverb may follow nouns
or pronouns :
Mary only passed in Greek.
Mary passed in Greek only.
Alone is used after a noun or
He alone is responsible for that
Sentence adverb
Initial position :
Obviously they will not finish on time.
Middle position :
They obviously will not finish on
Final position (only if the
sentence or clause is short) :
They will not finish on time, obviously.
Cojunctive adverb
Initial position :
I have a great deal of work to do. Therefore I
must go to the office on Sunday.
Middle position :
I have a great deal of work to do. I
must therefore go to the office on Sunday.
Final position (only if the
sentence or clause is short) :
He quits his job. He needs to look for work therefore.
hal yang perlu diperhatikan dengan masalah Adverb :
1. Sering kali adjective dapat dibentuk
dengan menambahkan –ly pada kata sifat (adjective).
quick = adjective quickly
= adverb
She is a quick
worker. (adjective)
adalah pekerja yang cepat)
She works quickly. (adverb)
bekerja dengan cepat)
careful = adjective carefully = adverb
She is a carefull
driver. (adjective)
adalah pengemudi yang berhati – hati)
She drives carefully. (adverb)
mengemudikan (mobil) dengan hati - hati).
2. Ada beberapa adjective yang sama
bentuknya dengan adverb, maka kita hanya dapat membedakan antara keduanya
dengan mengetahui fungsi dari kata – kata tersebut dalam kalimat.
Adjective He
is a fast runner.
am quite well.
stone is hard.
Adverb He
run fast.
She speaks English well.
works hard.
Adverb adalah
kata yang menerangkan kata kerja (verb).
Adjective adalah kata yang menjelaskan
keadaan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun.
Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai Letak Kata Keterangan (Adverb) dalam kalimat ...
Terima kasih telah berkunjung, semoga bermanfaat : )
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