
Friday 21 December 2018

Appositive Phrase | Pengertian Macam Contoh

Pengertian Macam Contoh  Appositive Phrase

      Apa sih itu Appositive Phrase ?? Apa saja macamnya ?? dan bagaimana perannya dalam sebuah kalimat ?? masih bingung atau belum pernah tahu ? yuk langsung saja baca dan nambah ilmu ...

Appositive Phrase | Pengertian Macam Contoh

                Appositive Phrase sangat besar peranannya dalam penyusunan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris.
     Appositive Phrase yaitu sekelompok kata yang berfungsi memberi keterangan tambahan kepada subyek atau obyek.   Appositive Phrase dapat berupa Noun, Adjective, Adverb, atau Prepositional Phrase.
                e.g ( contoh ) :
: He has asked Mr.John, a prominent lawyer, to represent him in court.
: The Professor, unaware that many of his students were asleep, went right on lecturing.
: The gentleman, over there, by the door is our accuntant.
Prepositional Phrase
: Mr. Harris, in a hurry to get home, took a taxi from the airport.

                Susunan kalimat dengan Appositive Phrase
1. Perubahan Adjective Clause menjadi Appositive Phrase.

                Adjective clause yang mengandung bentuk  Be  dapat disingkat menjadi Appositive Phrase dengan hanya mempertahankan pelengkap (complement) sesudah Be (noun, adjective, adverb, atau preposition at phrases).
                e.g ( contoh ) :
1. The young man, who is now a lawyer in a large firm, has lost much his old ambition.
     Menjadi ;
    The young man, now a lawyer in a large firm, has lost much his old ambition.
2. The person who is responsible for the damage will have to pay for it.
     Menjadi ;
     The person responsible for the damage will have to pay for it.

2. Letak Appositive Phrase
                Letak  Appositive Phrase yang paling umum adalah sesudah  noun yang diterangkan olehnya, dan terletak di antara dua tanda koma.
               e.g ( contoh ) :
1. His uncle, a proud and unbending man, refused all help that was offered him.
2. Ahmad, eager to get ahead in his career, worked hard day and night.
3. The man, aware that he had made a mistake, tried to correct it.
4. The computer, the most powerful of its type, was finally readied for use.

    Namun Appositive Phrase yang mengacu (menerangkan) subyek dari main verb dapat pula diletakkan di awal kaimat atau di tengah kalimat.
                e.g ( contoh ) :
  Initial position :  A proud and unbending man, his uncle refused all help that was offered him.
                                   Eager to get ahead in his career, Ahmad worked hard day and night.
                (in this position, the appositive phrase often expressess cause, sometimes concession).

Middle position : His uncle, a proud and unbending man, refused all help that was offered him.
 (less common)     Ahmad, eager to get ahead in his career, worked hard day and night.

      The appositive may not be late at the end, it is too far from the noun being modified.
Nonrestrictive phrases require commas in whatever position they are used. 

       ( Appositive tidak boleh di belakang, itu terlalu jauh dari kata benda yang sedang dimodifikasi. Frase yang tidak membatasi memerlukan koma di posisi apa pun yang digunakan. )

       Nah, itulah penjelasan mengenai Pengertian Macam dan Contoh Appositive Phrase .... 

  Terima kasih telah berkunjung, semoga bermanfaat : )



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