
Wednesday 30 January 2019

Contoh Soal Future Tense dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Future Tense dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Future Tense dan Jawabannya

A. Supply the suitable form of the verb in brackets !
(Berikan tenses yang sesuai dari kata kerja yang ada dalam tanda kurung !)

1. She ...................................... (do) her homework at 7 o’clock.
2. They  ...................................... (watch) news program at 5 o’clock.
3. I ......................................  (eat) fried rice tomorrow
4. He ........................................... (finish) this work before you leave.
5. By the end of summer, he ........................................... (teach) us to speak English.
6. We ............................................... (climb) a mountain.
7. Will Nadia ............................................... (cook) for two hours by the end of this day ?
8. They  ...................................... (repair) the building this time next month.
9. We ...................................... (go) climbing next month.
10. Dani ...................................... (meet) his father 2 days later.

B. Complete these sentences into +, -, ?, -? !
(Lengkapilah kalimat – kalimat ini kedalam kalimat +, -, ?, -? !)

1. (+) He will be playing a violin this time next week.
    (-) ............................................................................................
    (?) .......................................................................................... ?
    (-?) .......................................................................................... ?

2. (+).......................................................................................................................
    (-) Mr. Kim will not have had new partner when you come back.
    (?) ...................................................................................................................... ?
    (-?) ...................................................................................................................... ?

3. (+) .........................................................................................
    (-) The workers will not go on strike next month.
    (?) ...................................................................................... ?
    (-?) ..................................................................................... ?

4. (+)...............................................................................................................................
    (-) ...............................................................................................................................
    (?) Will Tomy have been celebrating his birthday by the end of today ?
    (-?)............................................................................................................................... ?

5. (+) The president will have a meeting with the ministers.
    (-) ..................................................................................................
    (?) ................................................................................................ ?
    (-?) ............................................................................................... ?

C. Make questions by the answer the underlined words !
(Buatlah pertanyaan dari kata – kata yang digaris bawahi !)

1.  They  will present  the result of the research  next week.
          a                 b                               c                             d

2. He  will have  finished  this work  before you leave.
      e                          f                g                   h

3. I  will be  singing  a song.
    i                     j          

D. Translate into English !
(Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris !)

1. Kita akan sedang ujian di candi borobudur selama 2 jam menjelang tengah hari besok.
2. Marisa akan membangun pusat perbelanjaan yang baru bulan depan.
3. Sarah akan lulus tahun depan.
4. Para pengungsi sudah akan disana menjelang minggu depan.
5. Anak – anak itu akan sedang bermain sepakbola jam 4 sore ini.

1. will be doing
2. will be watching
3. will eat
4. will have finished
5. will have taught
6. will have been climbing
7. will have been cooking
8. will be repairing
9. will go
10. will meet

1. (+) He will be playing a violin this time next week.
    (-) He will not be playing a violin this time next week.
    (?) Will he be playing a violin this time next week ?
    (-?) Won’t he be playing a violin this time next week ?

2.(+) Mr. Kim will have had new partner when you come back.
    (-) Mr. Kim will not have had new partner when you come back.
    (?) Will mr. Kim have had new partner when you come back ?
    (-?) Won’t  mr. Kim have had new partner when you come back ?

3. (+) The workers will go on strike next month.
    (-) The workers will not  go on strike next month.
    (?) Will the workers go on strike next month ?
    (-?) Won’t  the workers go on strike next month ?

4. (+) Tomy will have been celebrating his birthday by the end of today.
    (-)  Tomy will not have been celebrating his birthday by the end of today.
    (?) Will Tomy have been celebrating his birthday by the end of today ?
    (-?) Won’t Tomy have been celebrating his birthday by the end of today ?

5. (+) The president will have a meeting with the ministers.
    (-) The president will not  have a meeting with the ministers.
    (?) Will the president have a meeting with the ministers ?
    (-?) Won’t  the president have a meeting with the ministers ?

a. Who will present the result of the research next week ?
b. What will they do next week ?
c. What will they present next week ?
d. When will they present the result of research ?
e. Who will have finished this work before you leave ?
f. What will he have done before you leave ?
g. What will he have finished before you leave ?
h. When will he have finished this work ?
i. Who will be singing a song ?
j. What will I be doing ?

1. We will have been having examination in Borobudur temple for two hours by midday tomorrow ?
2. Marisa will build a new shopping center next month.
3. Sarah will graduate next year.
4. The refugees will have been there by next week.
5. The children will be playing football at four this afternoon.

      Semoga bermanfaat : )


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