
Wednesday 14 November 2018

Adverbial Clause | Arti Macam Fungsi dan Contoh

 Adverbial Clause 

     Apa sih itu adverbial caluse ?? apa ya fungsinya ?? belum tahu atau masih bingung ?? yuk simak pembahasannya berikut ini ...

Adverbial Clause | Arti  Macam Fungsi dan Contoh

    Adverbial Clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai keterangan dalam kalimat.

E.g ( contoh ) :
       - When I was in my village, I took a bath in the river.
       - I took a bath in the river when I was in my village.

1. Menunjukkan waktu (time)
   When, after, before, while, as, by the time, since, until, til, as soon time, the last time, once, as long as, whenever, every time, the first time, the next time.

When I arrived, he was sleeping.

2. Menunjukkan tempat (place)
    Where, nowhere, anywhere, wherever.

The guard stood where he was positioned.

3. Menunjukkan cara (manner)
    As, how, like.

He did as I told him.

4. Menunjukkan pertentangan (contrast / consession/ opposition)
    Although, even though, though, but.....anyway, but....still, yet....still, even if, in spite of, despite, nevertheless, nonetheless, however, on the other hand, whereas, while.

I need you although you are annoying.

5. Menunjukkan sebab dan akibat (cause and effect)
    Because, since, now that, as, so long as, inasmuch as, so (that), therefore, consequently, so, for, because of, due to.

Because he was sleepy, he went to bed.
He went to bed because he was sleepy.

6. Menunjukkan tujuan atau maksud dan hasil (Purpose and result)
    In order that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case.

They went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.

7. Menunjukkan persyaratan (conditions)
   If, unless, only if, even if, whether or not, providing / provided (that), in case (that), in ehe event (that), in case of, in the event of, otherwise, or (else).

8. Menyatakan tambahan
   And, furthermore, moreover, in addition.

She hates you very much moreover you often mock her.

Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai Arti  Macam Fungsi dan Contoh Adverbial Clause ...

   Terima kasih telah berkunjung,    Semoga bermanfaat ☺ .....



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