
Thursday 15 November 2018

Penempatan / Peletakkan Gerund |The Keys of The Gerund

         The Keys of The Gerund

 Apa sih itu The Keys of The Gerund ( Penempatan / Peletakkan Gerund ) ?? apa ya fungsinya ?? belum tahu atau masih bingung ?? yuk simak pembahasannya berikut ini ...

Penempatan / Peletakkan Gerund |The Keys of The Gerund

    The Keys of The Gerund membahas peletakkan / penempatan The gerund dalalm kalimat atau frase.

1. Gerund diletakkan setelah kata sifat.
Dalam hal ini hanyalah kata sifat yang bisa berfungsi sebagai penjelas (modifier) dan the gerund adalah kata benda yang diterangkan (head).

E.g ( contoh ) :
        - Can we stop the cases of illegal loggings ?
        - What causes a global warming ?
        - My mother cooked delicious cookings.
        - That movie doesn't have a happy ending.

2. Gerund diletakkan setelah Possessive Adjective atau Genitive

E.g ( contoh ) :
       - I like my mother's cooking.
       - I have finished my writing.
       - Your thinking becomes idol.
       - We love your leading.

3. Gerund after Idiomatic Expressions
Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada sejumlah frase yang harus diikuti dengan VERB-ING (The Gerund). Contoh – contoh Idiomatic Expressions yang diikuti The Grund adalah :

   a. There / It is no use + Gerund  “Tak ada gunanya”
     E.g ( contoh ) :
                There is no use waiting for you.
                It is much use reviewing the lesson that we have studied.
                Is it / there any use playing game ?

     b. There / It is no good + Gerund “Tak ada bagus / baiknya”
       E.g ( contoh ) :
                 It is much good helping each other.
                 There is no good telling a lie.
                  Is it / there any use cheating in a test ?

      c. There / It is no fun + Gerund  “Tak ada senangnya”
        E.g ( contoh ) :
                 It is no fun being lied.
                 Is it / there any fun hiking with some friends ?
                 There is much fun meeting my favorite actor.

       dThere / It is no harm in + Gerund  “Tak ada salahya”
           E.g ( contoh ) :
                  Is it / there any harm in marrying a widow ?
                  There is no harm in asking for some help.
                  There is much harm in making affair.

       e. There / It is no point in + Gerund  “Tak ada  nilai / harganya”
           E.g ( contoh ) :
                  Is there / it any point in believing in you ?
                  There is much point in helping the poor.
                  It is no point in reminding a stubborn person.

       f.  It is worth + Gerund  “berguna / bermanfaat penting”
           E.g ( contoh ) :
                  Is it worth abusing drugs ?
                  It is worth taking a bath early in the morning.
Catatan :
               Subject + be + worth + Gerund
The gerund dalam struktur ini harus diterjemahkan ke dalam arti pasif, dan kata “worth” bermaknalayak / pantas.
     No one is worth insulting. (tak seorangpun pantas dihina)
    This food  is not worth eating anymore (makanan ini tidak layak dimakan lagi)
     She is worth loving (dia layak dicintai)
     If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well (English saying – Jika sesuatu layak dikerjakan maka itu layak dilakukan dengan baik)
       g. Can’t stand + Gerund  “Tidak tahan” (=can’t bear / endure)
         E.g ( contoh ) :
                 Can you stand being forced ?
                 Salsa can’t stand living in a small house.
                 I can’t stand being led by him.

       h. Can’t help + Gerund “Tidak bisa menghindar” (=can’t avoid / prevent)
         E.g ( contoh ) :
                Can he help staying in a boarding house ?
                Adi can’t help earning money for his family after his father is death.

      i. Go + Gerund “Pergi  ....”
        Go + Gerund digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan rekreasi (recreational acivity)
        E.g ( contoh ) :
                They went shopping yesterday.
                Will we go jogging tomorrow ?
                Risma has gone snorkelling in Banda sea

      j. Would you mind + Gerund  “Apakah anda keberatan ....”
       Idiomatic Expression “Would you mind” digunakan untuk meminta seseorang melakuka sesuatu
      E.g ( contoh ) :
            Would you mind picking me up later ?
            Would you mind listening to my explanation ?

4. Gerund  after  Number (cardinal, ordinal, fraction)
    E.g ( contoh ) :
          I have to finish three paintings.
         It is my one third writing.
         It was Mela’s first dating.

5. Gerund  after  Time
    E.g ( contoh ) :
          I will be absent on Mondays meeting.
          Where will the annual meeting be held ?

6. Gerund  after  Demonstrative and Question Words
    E.g ( contoh ) :
           Whose teaching do you like ?
           This building is the highest.
           What drawing is she making now ?

7. Gerund after Prepositions
 Prepositions  (kata depan) dalam bahasa Inggris dikelompokkan menjadi dua (2) yaitu :

     a. Free Prepositions
Free Prepositions diantaranya : for, with, without, by, besides, from, in, after, before....etc
E.g ( contoh ) :
       This knife is for carving fruits.
       Save us from doing bad things!
      I forget my problems by swimming.

      b. Bound Prepositions (kata depan terikat)
- Adjective + Preposition +  Gerund
   E.g ( contoh ) :
         She is sorry for not helping us.
        I am sick of doing what he wants.
        They are good at memorizing vocabularies.

    Contoh  Adjective + Prepositions :
Be responsible for
Be tired of
Be fond of
Be interested in
Be ashamed of
Be successful  in
Be better of
Be accustomed to
Be sick of (annoyed)
Be sick about (unhappy)
Be skilled /skillful at
Be keen on
Be afraid of
Be capable of
Be clever at
Be scared of
Be used to
Be suspected of
Be good at
Be bad at
Be embrassed about
Be sick for
Be opposed to
Etc ....

- Noun + Preposition + Gerund
   E.g ( contoh ) :
          I have no chance of meeting you.
          He has experience in persuading girls.
          We got difficulty in solving our problems.

    Contoh Noun + Prepositions :
Meaning of
Offer of
Opportunity of
Habit of
Danger of
Shame in
Importance of
Objection to
Reason for
Difficulty in
Surprise at
Skill at
Method of / for
Thought of
Chance of
Success in
Fear of
Interest in
Apology for
Excuse for
Right of
Intention of
Thanks for
Way of
Hope of / for
Means of
Capability of
Necessity of
Honor of
Experience in
Process of

- Verb + Preposition + Gerund
  E.g ( contoh ) :
           We wil not give up reaching our dreams.
           I dreamt of going out with my friends.
           My fathers insists on having holiday in Rembang.
      Contoh Verb + Prepositions :
Insist on
= bersikeras
Die of
= mati karena
Assist in
= membantu
Object to
= keberatan
Succed in
= berhasil
Put off
= menunda
Confess to
= mengakui
Approve of
= menyetujui
Disapprove of
= tidak menyetujui
Depend on / Rely on
= mengandalkan
Dream of
= membayangkan
Dream about
= bermimpi tentang
Give up
= menyerah
Look forward to
= menunggu dengan penuh harap
Go on
= melanjutkan
Keep on
= melanjutkan
Fine + object + for
= meminta maaf atas
Forgive + object + for
= memaafkan
Apologize to + object + for
= meminta maaf atas
Stop + object + from
= menghentikan.....dari
Prevent + object + for
= mencegah .... dari
Thank + object + for
= berterima kasih
Accuse + object + of
= menuduh
Suspect + object + of
= mencurigai / menyangka

8.  Gerund after Other Verbs
Kata kerja (verbs) yang diikuti gerud di bagi menjadi 4 yaitu :

    a. Kata kerja need, want, require, deserve jika diikuti gerund, maka gerund diartikan pasif(di/ter).
Need                                    = perlu
Want                                    = ingin
Require                                = perlu
Deserve                                = pantas / layak

   E.g ( contoh ) ::
          The flowers are faded. They need watering. (disiram)
          Does your question need answering fast ? (dijawab)
          My phone requires repairing.  (diperbaiki)

         b. Kata kerja yng diikuti gerund dn gerund bermakna  aktif.
  Kata kerja itu adalah :
= menyangkal
= menghindar
= menikmati
= mencintai
= mulai
= menghargai
= menunda
= mencoba
= menyelesaikan
= membayangkan
= menyukai
= membicarakan
= menunda
= berlatih
= mengingat
= melaporkan
= suka
= melengkapi
= benci
= merindukan
= mengakui
= melanjutkan
= terus
= mulai
= merasa dongkol
= mengantisipasi
= menyesal
= benci
= menyerah
= berisiko
= takut
= memahami
= lebih suka
= mencegah
= mengusulkan
= memperbolehkan
= tidak suka
= menyebutkan
=  menyarankan
= keberatan

E.g ( contoh ) ::
      Do you imagine fighting with hiim ?
      Would you mind taking e up ?
     I enjoy watching movie.

Untuk gerund yang  mengandung makna pasif  harus menggunakan Passive Gerund  (being + verb 3)
E.g ( contoh ) :
       My principal denied being bribed (disuap)
      We dislike being blamed. (dicaci)

      c. Kata kerja yang bisa diikuti oleh the gerund dan to infinitive yang tidak memiliki perbedaan arti (no different meaning)
Kata kerja itu adalah :
-          Continue                                     - Prefer
-          Start                                            - Begin
-          Love                                            - Hate
-          Discontinue                                  - Can’t stand
-          Can’t bear
  E.g ( contoh ) :
         They can continue doing / to do their  homework.
        It begins raining / to rain.
        I will start cooking / to cook.
Catatan :
Jika kata kerja pertama (main verb) sudah berbentuk continous / progressive tenses, maka kata erja kedua harus berbentuk To Infinitive bukan Gerund.
E.g ( contoh ) :
       It is beginning to rain / raining.
      They are starting to do / doing their homework.         

     d. Kata kerja yang bisa diikuti the gerund dan to infinitive tapi memiliki perbedaan arti (different meaning)
Kata kerja itu adalah :
-          Forget                          - Stop
-          Go on                           - Try
-          Remember                    - Like
-          Regret                        

         Forget + Gerund artinya lupa dengan apa yang telah terjadi / dilakukan.

E.g ( contoh ) ::
      I forgot washing my hand (artinya saya lupa  bahwa saya sudah membasuh tangan)
     Grandmother  forgets  having breakfast (Nenek lupa sudah sarapan pagi)
         Forget + To Infinitive  artinya lupa apa yang telah.

E.g ( contoh ) :
       I forgot to wash my hand (Saya lupa untuk membasuh tangan)
      Grandmother  forgets  to have breakfast  (Nenek lupa untuk sarapan pagi)

        Remember + Gerund artinya ingat dengan apa yang  telah dilakukan / terjadi.

E.g ( contoh ) :
       I remembered washing my  hand. ( Saya ingat apa yang telah dilakukan yaitu membasuh tangan saya)
Grandmother remembered having lunch (Nenek ingat apa yang telah dilakukan yaitu sarapan)

        Remember + To Infinitive  artinya ingat apa yang  harus dilakukan / terjadi.

E.g ( contoh ) :
       I remembered to wash my hand. (Saya ingat apa yang harus dilakukan yaitu membasuh tangan)
       Grandmother remembered to have lunch (Nenek ingat apa yang dilakukan dilakukan yaitu sarapan)

         Stop + Gerund artinya menghentikan apa yang dilakukan / terjadi.

E.g ( contoh ) :
       Linda stopped watching movie (Linda berhenti menonton film)
       We stop working at 4 p.m (Kita berhenti bekerja jam 4 sore)

         Stop + To Infinitive artinya berhenti karena harus melakukan sesuatu atau berhenti karena ingin melakukan sesuatu.
E.g ( contoh ) :
      Laura stopped to have lunch (Laura berhenti  karena ingin makan siang)
      My sister has stopped to make breakfast (Kakakku berhenti untuk membuat sarapan)

       Go on + Gerund artinya melanjutkan apa yang sedang dilakukan atau terjadi.

E.g ( contoh ) :
       I go on helping my mother.
      Does she go on dancing ?
      They will go on teaching.

             Go on + To Infinitive artinya melanjutkan atau berpindah ke sesuatu yang baru.
E.g ( contoh ) :
       My teacher goes on to attend a meeting.
      Did you go on to mop the floor ?

            Regret + Gerund + artinya menyesali apa yang telah terjadi / dilakukan.
E.g ( contoh ) :
        I regret not visiting my grandmother.
        Syella regretted believing in her friend.

   Regret + To Gerund + artinya merasa menysal / tidak sampai hati mengatakan,menceritakan, atau menginformasikan berita buruk. Regret + To Infinitive hanya dengan kata kerja tell, say dan inform.
E.g ( contoh ) :
       I regret to tell that he is death.
      Nura regrets to tell that she gets a bad value.

           Try + Gerund artinya membuat percobaan untuk melihat apakah percobaan itu berhasil atau tidak.
E.g ( contoh ) :
       I try watering my flowers when I notice that they are fading.
       My father tried calming a child when he saw her crying.

           Try + To Infinitive artinya berusaha keras untuk mengatasi sesuatu yang sangat sulit.
E.g ( contoh ) :
       Scientists try to discover medicine to heal patients with aids.

        Like + Gerund artinya menikmati (enjoy) ketika melakukan aktifitas tersebut.
E.g ( contoh ) :
      We enjoy studying English.
      Don’t you enjoy living with your family ?

     Like + Too Infinitive artinya memilih (choose to).
E.g ( contoh ) :
       They like to eat porridge.
       I like to buy tomato.

Nah itulah penjelasan mengenai Penempatan / Peletakkan Gerund  ( The Keys of The Gerund )  ....

Terima kasih telah berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat : )



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