
Thursday 15 November 2018

Bentuk - Bentuk Gerund | The Forms of The Gerund

     The Forms of The Gerund (Bentuk – Bentuk Gerund)

Apa sih itu  The Forms of The Gerund (Bentuk – Bentuk Gerund) ?? apa ya fungsinya ?? belum tahu atau masih bingung ?? yuk simak pembahasannya berikut ini ...

Bentuk - Bentuk Gerund |  The Forms of The Gerund

The Gerund memiliki empat (4) bentuk.

1. Active Present Gerund (V-ing)
E.g ( contoh ) :
      John enjoys visiting Borobudur temple.
     He is very sorry for disturbing you.
     Thank you for meeting me.

2. Passive Present Gerund (Being + V-3)
E.g ( contoh ) :
       You came without being without.
       He needs being loved.
       They have done it before being asked.

3. Active Perfect / Past Gerund (Having + V-3)
Perfect Gerund digunakan untuk menekankan bahwa kejadian di Gerund sudah sempurna dilakukan  telah selesai sebelum kata kerja inti (main verb).
E.g ( contoh ) :
       Dian is afraid oh having left my brother alone in a big house (Dian benar – benar telah meninggalkan ibunya sendirian)
        Afra regretteed having told her secrets. (Afra telah  memberitahu rahasianya)

4. Passive Perfect / Past Gerund (Having been + V-3)
E.g ( contoh ) :
        Did the lawyer deny having been bribed ?
        Do you forget having been awarded as the best graduate last year ?
        My friend admitted having been intimidated

Nah itulah penjelasan mengenai Penempatan / Peletakkan Gerund  ( The Keys of The Gerund )  ....

Terima kasih telah berkunjung, Semoga Bermanfaat : )



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