
Thursday 15 November 2018

Bound Prepositions | Pengertian Macam dan Contoh

  Pengertian Macam dan Contoh  Bound Prepositions

       Apa sih itu Bound Prepositions  ??? apa gunanya dalam sebuah kalimat ?? bagaimana cara membentuknya ? masih bingung atau belum tahu ?? yuk simak pembahasannya berikut ini ..

Bound Prepositions | Pengertian Macam dan Contoh

      Bound Prepositions adalah  kata depan terikat.  maksudnya adalah kata depan yang harus mengikuti sebuah kata, jadi bisa dibilang tidak bisa dipisahkan ( bound preposition harus menyertai ).

Macam - Macam  Bound Prepositions (kata depan terikat) :

1. Adjective + Prepositions

Contoh  Adjective + Prepositions :
Be responsible for
Be tired of
Be fond of
Be interested in
Be ashamed of
Be successful  in
Be better of
Be accustomed to
Be sick of (annoyed)
Be sick about (unhappy)
Be skilled /skillful at
Be keen on
Be afraid of
Be capable of
Be clever at
Be scared of
Be used to
Be suspected of
Be good at
Be bad at
Be embrassed about
Be sick for
Be opposed to
Etc ...

2. Adjective + Prepositions 

Contoh  Adjective + Prepositions :
Be responsible for
Be tired of
Be fond of
Be interested in
Be ashamed of
Be successful  in
Be better of
Be accustomed to
Be sick of (annoyed)
Be sick about (unhappy)
Be skilled /skillful at
Be keen on
Be afraid of
Be capable of
Be clever at
Be scared of
Be used to
Be suspected of
Be good at
Be bad at
Be embrassed about
Be sick for
Be opposed to
Etc ....

3.  Noun + Prepositions

 Contoh Noun + Prepositions :
Meaning of
Offer of
Opportunity of
Habit of
Danger of
Shame in
Importance of
Objection to
Reason for
Difficulty in
Surprise at
Skill at
Method of / for
Thought of
Chance of
Success in
Fear of
Interest in
Apology for
Excuse for
Right of
Intention of
Thanks for
Way of
Hope of / for
Means of
Capability of
Necessity of
Honor of
Experience in
Process of

4. Verb + Prepositions

   Contoh Verb + Prepositions :
Insist on
= bersikeras
Die of
= mati karena
Assist in
= membantu
Object to
= keberatan
Succed in
= berhasil
Put off
= menunda
Confess to
= mengakui
Approve of
= menyetujui
Disapprove of
= tidak menyetujui
Depend on / Rely on
= mengandalkan
Dream of
= membayangkan
Dream about
= bermimpi tentang
Give up
= menyerah
Look forward to
= menunggu dengan penuh harap
Go on
= melanjutkan
Keep on
= melanjutkan
Fine + object + for
= meminta maaf atas
Forgive + object + for
= memaafkan
Apologize to + object + for
= meminta maaf atas
Stop + object + from
= menghentikan.....dari
Prevent + object + for
= mencegah .... dari
Thank + object + for
= berterima kasih
Accuse + object + of
= menuduh
Suspect + object + of
= mencurigai / menyangka


Nah itulah penjelasan mengenai  Pengertian Macam dan Contoh Bound Prepositions ...

         Terima kasih telah berkunjung,     Semoga Bermanfaat : )



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