
Tuesday 22 January 2019

Contoh Soal Present Perfect ABC dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Present Perfect ABC dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Present Perfect Pilihan Ganda dan Esai beserta Jawabannya

A. Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c or d !
1. Farhan has  .......... a letter.
                a. type                                  c. types
                b. typed                               d. typing

2. ............ we arrived in Bali ?
                a. are                     c. have
                b. do                      d. has

3. The workers has built two big buildings.
                a. Who has built two big buildings ?
                b. Whom has built two big buildings ?
                c. Who have built two big buildings ?
                d. Whom have built two big buildings ?

4. “ Apa yang sudah mereka bawa ? “
                a. What has they brought ?
                b. Whom have they brought?
                c. Whom has they brought?
                d. What have they brought ?

5. Mr. Ayyas and Ms. Azza .......... not come yet.
                b.has                     d. had

6. “ Naufal sudah berada di kelas. “
                a. Naufal has been in the class.
                b. Naufal have been in the class.
                c. Naufal has arrived in the class.
                d. Naufal have arrived in the class.

7. .......... they ............ holiday in Canada ?
                a. have, have                     c. has, had
                b. have, had                       d.have, has

8. ........... Wulan  been a doctor ?
                a.are                      c. has
                b. is                        d. have

9. My uncle has ................ an old car.
                a. drive                                 c. drove
                b. drives                               d. driven

10.  I have gone to Egypt.
                a. Where I have gone ?
                b. Where have  I gone ?                               
                c. When  have  I gone ?
                d. When I have  gone ? 

  B. Make questions by the answer the underlined words !
(Buatlah pertanyaan dari kata – kata yang digaris bawahi !)
1.  You  have  spoken  English.
         a                    b           c

2.  The  farmer  has not watered  plants.
                 d                             e             f

3. They  have bought  the house  since 1984.
        g                 h               i                  j

  C. Translate into English !
(Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris !)
1. Saya belum bayar uang sekolah.
2. Dial (laki-laki) telah  minum 3 gelas air sejak 2 jam yang yang lalu.
3. Anak itu belum menggosok giginya sejak pagi.
4. Apakah kamu sudah mandi ?
5. Saya telah menanyakan banyak pertanyaan.
6. Mereka belum makan sampai saat ini.
7. Apakah dia (pr) belum  tahu tentang kejadian itu ?
8. Apakah Biliy sudah  mengerjakan tugas – tugasnya ?
9. Rachel sudah menceritakan rahasianya baru saja.
10. Saya masih belum mengerti tentang perasaan ku.


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. B

a. Who  has spoken English ?
b. What have you done ?
c. What  have you spoken ?
d. Who hasn’t watered the plants ?
e. What hasn’t the farmer done ?
f. What hasn’t the farmer watered ?
g. Who has bought the house since 1984 ?
h. What have they done ?
i. What have  they bought since 1984 ?
j. When have  they bought the house ?

1. I haven’t paid school-fee.
2. He has drunk three glasses of water since two hours ago.
3. The boy hasn’t brushed his teeth since morning.
4. Have you taken a bath ?
5. I  have asked many questions.
6. They haven’t eaten until now.
7. Has she not known about the incident ?
8. Has Billy done his duties ?
9. Rachel has told her secret just now.
10. I haven’t understood about my feeling.

   Semoga bermanfaat : )



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