
Friday 25 January 2019

Contoh Soal Future Continous ABC dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Future Continous ABC dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Future Continous ABC dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

A. Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c or d !

1. My daughter   .......... at this time tomorrow.
                a. will arriving                                     c. will doing
                b. will be arriving                              d. will be doing

2. ............ we ................. fried banana ?
                a. Shall, be cooking                          c. Will, be being 
                b. Shall, be being                              d. Will, be doing 

3. Thomas will be sending their letter.
                a. What letter will Thomas be sending ?
                b. Whom letter will Thomas be sending ?
                c. Whose letter will Thomas be sending ?
                d. Whose letter Thomas will be sending ?

4. “ Siapa yang sedang mereka ajari jam 8 besok ? “
                a. Who will they be teaching at 8 o’clock tomorrow ?
                b. What will they be teaching at 8 o’clock tomorrow ?
                c. Whom they will be teaching at 8 o’clock tomorrow ?
                d. Whom will they be teaching at 8 o’clock tomorrow ?

5. Mrs. Jesica .......... not be checking the homework.
                a. will                     c.shan’t
                b. shall                  d. won’t

6. “ Raisa sedang duduk di bawah sebuah pohon ketika saya mengunjunginya besok. “
                a. Raisa will be sit under a tree when I visit her tomorrow.
                b. Raisa will be sitting under a tree when I visit her tomorrow.
                c. Raisa will be sitting under a tree while I visit her tomorrow.
                d. Raisa will  sitting under a tree when I visit her tomorrow.

7.  Akankah mereka di Indonesia tahun depan ?
                a. Will be they in Indonesia next year ?                 
                b. Will they are in Indonesia next year ?
                c. Will they be in Indonesia next year ?
                d. Will they in Indonesia next year ?

8. ........... Fina be a lecturer next month ?
                a.Was                    c. Shall
                b. Is                        d. Will

9. He will be leaving in a few days.
                a. What he will be doing ?
                b. Who will he be doing ?
                c. What will he be doing ?
                d. What will he be do ?

10.  Rudi and Risa ............ here tonight.
                a.shall be                             c. will do
                b. won’t be                         d. shan’t do

B. Make questions by the answer the underlined words !

(Buatlah pertanyaan dari kata – kata yang digaris bawahi !)
1.  A  good  boy will be seeing his mother tomorrow.
      a    b                              d       e                           g
     ___________                         __________
              c                                                f

2. I  will be  singing  a song.
    h                     i           j

C. Translate into English !
(Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris !)
1. Saya sedang belajar ketika anda datang jam 8 besok.
2. Mereka sedang berenang ketika anda berkunjung jam 4 nanti sore.
3. Dia (pr) sedang berolahraga jam 6 besok pagi.
4. Saya akan tinggal di Singapura pada saat seperti ini tahun depan.
5. Anak – anak itu akan sedang bermain sepakbola jam 4 sore ini.
6. Apakah kamu akan datang tepat jam 7 besok pagi ?
7. Mereka akan sedang menunggu kita di taman besok sore jam 4.
8. Bukankah pesawat akan lepas landas besok jam 4 dini hari ?
9. Saya tidak yakin, Mr. James akan datang ke Indonesia jam 1 besok siang.
10. Illona akan sedang menunggu kekasihnya di stasiun kereta api jam 10 besok pagi.

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B

a. How many good boys will be seeing his mother tomorrow ?
b. Which boy will be seeing his mother tomorrow ?
c. Who will be seeing his mother tomorrow ?
d. What will a good boy be doing tomorrow ?
e. Whose mother will a good boy be seeing tomorrow ?
f. Whom will a good boy be seeing tomorrow ?
g. When will a good boy be seeing his mother ?
h. Who will be singing a song ?
i. What will I be doing ?

j. What will I be singing ?

1. I will be studying when you came at 8 o’clock tomorrow.
2. They will be swimming when I visit at 4 o’clock this afternoon.
3. She will be sporting at six tomorrow morning.
4. I will be staying in Singapore at this time next year.
5. The children will be playing football at four this afternoon.
6. Will you be coming at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning ?
7. They will be waiting for us in the park tomorrow evening at 4 o’clock.
8. Won’t the plan will be taking of tomorrow at 4 a.m ?
9. I am not sure, Mr. James will be coming to Indonesia at 1 o’clock p.m tomorrow.
10. Illona will be waiting for her boy-friend in station at 10 a.m tomorrow.

    Semoga bermanfaat : )



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