
Tuesday 22 January 2019

Contoh Soal Present Continous dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Present Continous dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Present Continous dan Jawabannya

  A. Supply the suitable form of the verb in brackets !

(Berikan tense yang sesuai dari kata kerja yang ada dalam tanda kurung !)
1. I _______ (be) _________ (do) my homework.
2. Please be quite ! I _______ (be) not _________ (work).
3. You can turn off the television . I _______ (be) ________ (watch) it.
4. Somebody ________ (be) _________ (sing) in the hall.
5. My mother ________ (be) _________ (cook) something in the kitchen.
6. Tim ________ (be) _________ (play) the guitar now.
7. Her brothers ________ (be) _________ (clean) the window.
8.  ________ (be)  he _________ (take) a photograph ?
9. ________ (be) your teachers _________ (teach) now ?
10. There ________ (be) many mice in that  hut.
11. Why ________ (be) you _________  (sit) there ?
12. Where _________ (be) Sofia _________ (read) a book ?
13. What ________ (be) they _________ (listen) to ?
14 ________ (be) the children _________ (play) in the park ?
15. ________ (be) he _________ (talk) on the phone ?
16. They ________ (be) _________ (play) football.
17. How many books ________(be) you _________ (move) ?
18. She ________ (be) _________ (cook) rice in the kicthen.
19. The women ________ (be) _________ (share) one another.
20. ________ (be) the police _________ (shoot) the thieves ?

  B. Complete these sentences into +, -, ?, -? !

(Lengkapilah kalimat – kalimat ini kedalam kalimat +, -, ?, -? !)
1. (+)  My sister is ........................................................................
     (-)  ...............................listening  to .........................................
     (?) ..........................................................................the music ?
     (-?) ......................................................................................... ?

2. (+)
    (-) ............................. are not....................................................
    (?) ............. the children ........................................................ ?
    (-?) .....................................................playing ........................ ?

3. (+)  ........................sleeping ....................................................
    (-)  My son ...............................................................................
    (?) Is ...................................................................................... ?
    (-?) ........................................................................ right now ?

4. (+)  ......................................................................... the cattle.
    (-)  ......................... feeding ...................................................
    (?) ......... he ......................................................................... ?
    (-?) Isn’t ............................................................................... ?

5. (+)  She ................................................................................
    (-)  .......................... smoking ..............................................
    (?) Is .................................................................................. ?
    (-?) ..................................................................... cigarette ?

6. (+)  He ................................................................................
    (-)  ....................... is not ....................................................
    (?) .......................................................... food for dinner ?
    (-?) ................... cooking ................................................ ?

7. (+)  The cat .......................................................................
    (-)  ........................not eating ...........................................
    (?)  .......................................... the fish ......................... ?
    (-?) ........................................................... in the kichen ?

8.(+)   .......................................................... in the classroom.
    (-)  ....................... studying ................................................
    (?) ........... they ................................................................. ?
    (-?) Aren’t ......................................................................... ?

9. (+)  .................................................................... ..this year.
    (-)  ......................................................................................
    (?) Is she .......................................................................... ?
    (-?) ................ writing another novel .............................. ?

10. (+)  Ana and Putri ............................................................
       (-)  ........................... are not ...........................................
       (?) ............................................................. on the phone ?
      (-?) .............................................. talking ......................... ?

  C. Make questions by the answer the underlined words !

(Buatlah pertanyaan dari kata – kata yang digaris bawahi !)
1.  Betty  is  planting  a  flower  in  the  garden.
          a              b                c                   d

2. Two  monkeys  are  climbing  the  high  tree.
                  e                          f                   g

3.  A  mason  is  painting  the  wall  now.
                h                i                             j

  D. Translate into English !

(Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris !)
1. Seorang pembantu sedang menyapu lantai.
2. Nenekku sedang menjahit taplak meja sekarang.
3. Apakah ibumu sedang mengupas bawang merah ?
4. Apakah ayahmu sedang mencuci mobil di depan rumah ?
5. Seorang pemandu wisata tidak sedang menjelaskan tentang candi Borobudur.
6. Bukankah murid – murid sedang mengunjungi kebun binatang ?
7. Bukankah tukang kayu itu sedang membuat kursi dan meja ?
8. Para petani itu sedang membajak  di sawah.
9. Dimana adikmu (laki – laki) sedang menggambar pemandangan ?
10. Dimana seorang polisi (laki – laki) sedang menginterogasi pencuri itu ?
11. Saya sedang berbicara di telefon  sekarang.
12. Seorang reporter sedang mewawancarai tetangga saya.
13. Saudaraku (perempuan) sedang memotong kue ulangtahunnya untuk orangtuanya.
14. Saudaraku (laki-laki) sedang mengendarai mobil dengan cepat.
15. James sedang berkonsultasi dengan dokter gigi.

                JAWABAN (ANSWER)

1. am, doing
2. am, working
3. am not, watching
4. is, singing
5. is, cooking
6. is not, playing
7. are, cleaning
8. is, taking
9. are, teaching
10. are.
11. are, sitting
12. is, reading
13. are, listening
14. are, playing
15. is, talking
16. are, playing
17. are, moving
18. is, cooking
19. are, sharing
20. are, shooting

1. (+)  My sister is listening to the music.
    (-)  My sister is not  listening to the music.
    (?)  Is my sister  listening to the music ?
    (-?)  Isn’t my sister  listening to the music ?

2. (+)  The children are playing basketball.
    (-)  The children are not  playing basketball.
    (?) Are the children  playing basketball ?
    (?) Aren’t  the children  playing basketball ?

3. (+)  My son is sleeping right now.
    (-)  My son is not sleeping right now.
    (?) Is my son  sleeping right now ?
    (-?) Isn’t  my son  sleeping right now ?   

4. (+)  He is feeding the cattle.
     (-)  He is not feeding the cattle.
     (?) Is  he  feeding the cattle ?
     (-?) Isn’t  he  feeding the cattle ?

5. (+)  She is smoking cigarette.
    (-)  She is not smoking cigarette.
    (?) Is she  smoking cigarette ?
    (-?) Isn’t she  smoking cigarette ?

6. (+)  He is cooking food for dinner.
    (-)  He is not cooking food for dinner.
    (?)  Is he cooking food for dinner ?
    (-?)  Isn’t he cooking food for dinner ?

7. (+) The cat is eating the fish in the kitchen.
    (-) The cat is not eating the fish in the kitchen.
    (?) Is the cat eating the fish in the kitchen ?
    (-?) Isn’t the cat eating the fish in the kitchen ?

8. (+) They are studying in the classroom.
    (-) They are not studying in the classroom.
    (?) Are they  studying in the classroom ?
    (-?) Aren’t  they  studying in the classroom ?

9. (+) She is writing another novel this year.
    (-) She is not writing another novel this year.
    (?) Is she  writing another novel this year ?
    (-?) Isn’t she  writing another novel this year ?

10. (+) Ana and Putri are talking on the phone.
      (-) Ana and Putri are not talking on the phone.
      (?) Are Ana and Putri  talking on the phone ?
      (-?) Aren’t Ana and Putri  talking on the phone ?

a. Who is planting a flower in the garden ?
b.What is Betty doing in the garden ?
c. What is Betty planting in the garden ?
d. Where is Betty planting a flower ?
e. Who us climbing the high tree ?
f. What are two monkeys doing ?
g. What are two monkeys climbing ?
h. Who is painting the wall now ?
i. What is a mason doing now ?
j. When is a mason painting the wall ?

1. An assistant is sweeping the floor.
2. My grandmother is sewing the table cloth now.
3. Is your mother peeling onion ?
4. Is your father washing a car in front oh house ?
5. A tour guide is not explaining about Borobudur.
6. Aren’t the students visiting a zoo ?
7. Isn’t the carpenter making chair and table ?
8. The farmers are plowing in the rice field.
9.  Where is your  younger brother drawing scenery ?
10. Where is a policeman interrogating the thief ?
11. I am talking on the phone.
12. A reporter is interviewing my neighbor.
13. My sister is cutting her  birthday cake for her parents.
14. My brother is driving the car fast.
15. James is consulting with a dentist.

  Semoga bermanfaat : )



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