
Thursday 28 February 2019

Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Object Person dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Object Person dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Object Person dan Jawabannya

                A. Relate the statements by using whom, who, that or  0 (omitting) !

                MC : Main Clause
                SC   : Sub Clause

1. MC      : I saw the little child crying in the corridor.
     SC      : Tina was trying to make her calm.

2. MC      : Isn’t Vio afraid of the man ?
     SC      : I met him on the way just now.

3. MC      : Don’t you still remember the girl ?
     SC      : Ken saw her and asked what she was doing.

4. MC      : Anton wants to apologize to the woman.
     SC      : He made her upset by taking her seat.

5. MC      : What is happening to the famous actress ?
     SC      : The judge is talking to her seriously.

6. MC    : Why didn’t Tya ask the waiter to help ?
     SC      : She knew him so well.

7. MC    : Is your car repaired by the mechanic ?
     SC      : The boss is very proud of him.

8. MC    : Don’t they watch the young player playing soccer ?
     SC      : Journalists call him “a killer in field”.

9. MC    : Where did the hikers get lost ?
     SC      : The rescue team had searched for them around the  mount.

10. MC  : The refugees are relocated in a new land, aren’t they ?
     SC      : The goverment tries to assist them for a better life.

                B. Translate into English !

1. Bukankah kamu kenal lelaki yang ibumu temui di kantornya kemarin ?
2. Siswa yang gurunya hukum sedang  berdiri dengan satu kaki di depan kelas.
3. Andy ingin mengunjungi penyanyi pop yang para wartawan sedang wawancarai.
4. Apa yang telah kamu tanyakan kepada dokter yang kamu jumpai di rumah sakit kemarin ?
5. Apakah dia cowok yang Andin selalu bicarakan ?

                JAWABAN (ANSWER)

1. I saw the little child whom / who / that Tina was trying to make calm crying in the corridor.
2. Isn’t Vio afraid of the man whom / who / that I met on the wat just now ?
3. Don’t you still remember the girl whom / who / that Ken saw and asked what she was doing ?
4. Anton wants to apologize to the woman whom / who / that he made upset by taking her seat.
5. What is happening to the famous actress whom / who / that the judge is talking to seriously.
6. Why didn’t Tya ask the waiter whom / who / that she knew so well to help ?
7. Is your car repaired by the mechanic of whom / who / that the boss is very proud ?
8. Don’t they watch the young player whom / who / that journalists call  “a killer in field” playing soccer ?
9. Where did the hikers for whom / who / that the rescue team had searched around the mount get lost ?
10. The refugees whom / who / that whom the government tries to assist for a better life are relocated in an new land, aren’t they ?

1. Don’t you know the man whom / who / that your mother met in his office yesterday ?
2. The student whom / who / that the teacher punished is standing with one foot in front of the class.
3. Andy wants to visit the pop singer whom / who / that the reporters are interviewing.
4. What had you asked to the doctor whom / who / that you met in hospital yesterday ?
5. Is he the man whom / who / that Andy always talks about ?

         Semoga bermanfaat : )



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