
Wednesday 6 February 2019

Contoh Soal NO ANY + Noun dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal NO ANY + Noun dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal NO ANY + Noun dan Jawabannya

   A. Answer by using No & Any !

1. What news is in the newspaper ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
2. What dictionary was in this cupboard ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
3. What sentence is here ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
4. What home will be in front of my home ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
5. What bag is in the shop ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
6. What money is in your pocket ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
7. What watch is in this box ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
8. What coat will you wear ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
9. What glasses would she use ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
10. What book has she been buying since this morning ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
11. What letter are you writing ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
12. What computer does Ali operate ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
13. What flower will you water ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
14. What lesson did Mr. Alif explain yesterday ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................
15. What shoes has been sold in the store ?
     No     : .............................................................
     Any   : .............................................................

B. Translate these sentences into English by using  No & Any !

1. Tidak akan ada burung yang terbang di atas pohon ini besok.
2. Seorang pemadam kebakaran tidak mendatangi rumah apa pun kemarin malam.
3. Tidak ada PR yang akan diberikan hari ini.
4. Alifa tidak menemukan kesalahan apa pun dalam hidupnya.
5. Bu Rini tidak menghukum murid yang manapun.
6. Lisa tidak pernah pergi ke kota mana pun.
7. Teman sekamar ku sedang tidak menonton film apa pun.
8. Adik ku belum memakan mie apa pun sejak pagi ini.
9. Kepala sekolah itu tidak sedang menyampaikan pidato apa pun.
10. Tidak ada pesawat yang rusak.

           JAWABAN (ANSWER)

1.  No    : No news is in the newspaper.
     Any   : Any news is not in the newspaper.
2.  No    : No dictionary was in this cupboard.
     Any   : Any dictionary was not in this cupboard.
3.  No    : No sentence is here.
     Any   : Any sentence is not here.
4.  No    : No home will be in front of my home.
     Any   : Any home will not be in front of my home.
5.  No    : No bag is in the shop.
     Any   : Any bag is not in the shop.
6.  No    : No money is in your pocket.
     Any   : Any money is not in your pocket.
7.  No    : No watch is in this box.
     Any   : Any watch is not in this box.
8.  No    : You will wear no coat.
     Any   : You will not wear any coat.

9.  No    : She would use no glasses.
     Any   : She would not use any glasses.
10.  No  : She has been buying no book since this morning.
     Any   : She has not been buying any book since this morning.
11.  No  : You are writing no letter.
     Any   : You are not writing any letter.
12.  No  : Ali operates no computer.
     Any   : Ali does not operate any computer.
13.  No  : You will water no flower.
     Any   : You will not water any flower.
14.  No  : Mr. Alif explained no lesson yesterday.
     Any   : Mr. Alif did not explain any lesson yesterday.
15.  No  : No shoes has been sold in the store.
     Any   : Any shoes has not been sold in the store.

1.  No    : No bird will fly above this tree tomorrow.
     Any   : Any bird will not fly above this tree tomorrow.
2.  No    : A fire fighter came to no house last night.
     Any   : A fire fighter did not come to any house last night.
3.  No    : No homework will be given today.
     Any   : Any homework will not be given today.
4.  No    : Alifa finds no error in her life.
     Any   : Alifa does not find any error in her life.
5.  No    : Ms. Rini punishes no student.
     Any   : Ms. Rini does not punish any student.
6.  No    : Lisa goes to no city.
     Any   : Lisa never goes to any city.
7.  No    : My roommate is watching no movie.
     Any   : My roommate is not watching any movie.
8.  No    : My younger sister has eaten no noodle since this morning.
     Any   : My younger sister has not eaten any noodle since this morning.
9.  No    : The head master is delivering no speech .
     Any   : The head master is not delivering any speech .
10.  No  : No plane is broken.
     Any   : Any plane is not broken.


         Semoga bermanfaat : )



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