
Saturday, 29 December 2018

Kesalahan Penempatan Modifier / Penjelas | Modifier Problems

MODIFIER PROBLEMS (Kesalahan Penempatan Modifier / Penjelas)

                 Terkadang kita sering bingung atau bahkan salah dalam meletakkan sebuah penjelas atau modifier, nah ada caranya lohh. Yuk langsung saja baca dan nambah ilmu ...

Kesalahan Penempatan Modifier / Penjelas | Modifier Problems

    1.  Misplaced Modifiers
                A modifier adalah sekelompok kata yang memberi informasi tambahan (penjelas) kepada kata lain dalam suatu kalimat.
                Modifier harus diletakkan sedekat mungkin dengan kata yang diberi penjelasan. Hal ini sangat penting  untuk diperhatikan, sebab perubahan letak a modifier akan mengubah arti suatu kalimat.

       Perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut :
                e.g ( contoh ) :
1. I told Noura only what I had done.
     (I didn’t tell him anything else.)
2.  I told only Noura what I had done.
     (I didn’t tell anybody else.)
3. Only I told Noura what I had done.
     (Nobody else told Noura.)
4. I told Noura only what I had done.
     (No one else did it.)

     Ke-empat kalimat tersebut mempunyai arti yang berbeda karena letak modifier (only) yang berubah – ubah.

     Perhatikan kalimat – kalimat berikut :
     1. I worked for my father, who owns a sawmill, during the summer.
Kata (phrase) during the summer, memberi keterangan terhadap apa ? dalam kalimat tersebut tidak jelas. Maka letaknya harus dipindah, diletakkan sedekat mungkin pada kata yang diterangkan, sehingga menjadi :
        During the summer, I worked for my father, who owns a sawmill.

     2. Fatimah said on her way out she would give the memo to Fahri.
Did Fatimah say it on her way out ? or is she going to deliver the memo on her way out ? 
Untuk menghindari ketidak jelasan, kita dapat memindahkan letak modifier sesuai dengan arti yang kita inginkan
        - On her way out, Fatimah said she would give the memo to Fahri.
        - Fatimah said she would give the memo to Fahri on her way out.

Hati – hatilah dengan kata – kata berikut :
 Almost     nearly     just     only     even     hardly     merely     scarcely

Letakkan kata – kata tersebut sebelum kata yang diterangkan olehnya.
    e.g ( contoh ) :
:  I almost ate the whole thing.
:  I ate almost the whole thing.
:  She just wants to take one class.
:  She wants to take just one class.
:  We only have four hours to finish this paper.
:  We have only four hours to finish this paper.
:  That house nearly cost sixty thousand dollars.
:  That house cost nearly sixty thousand dollars.
:  She was so quite that hardly he noticed her.
:  She was so quite that he hardly noticed her.

          Perhatikan kalimat – kalimat berikut :

       A.     1. Only he said he loved her.
                     (No one else said it.)
                2. He only said he loved her.
                     (He said nothing else.)
                3. He said only he loved her.
                     (No one else loved her.)
                4. He said he only loved her.
                     (Loving her was his sole activity.)
                5. He said he loved only her.
                     (He loved no one else.)

       B.     1. Ali held the cat with a smile.
                    (Who was smiling ? Ali or  the cat ?)
                    - With a smile on his face, li held the cat.
                2. Budi discovered a mushroom walking through the garden.
                    (Who was walking ?)
                    - Walking through the garden, Budi discovered a mushroom.
                3. Last night I went to see my manager in a new skirt.
                    (Who was wearing the new skirt ?)
                    - Last night I put on my new skirt and went to see my manager.
                    (Clearly the speaker was wearing the new skirt.)

    2. Dangling Modifier (Illogical Participal Modifier)
                A dangling modifier terjadi bila tidak ada kata yang tepat yang diberi keterangan (penjelas) oleh modifier daam suatu kalimat, sehingga kalimat tersebut menjadi tidak masuk akal (illogical modifier).
         e.g ( contoh ) :
         1. salah        :  After jumping out of a boat, the shark bit the man.
                                             (We understand that the actual subject of the verb jumping is the man: therefore, immediately after comma, we must mention the man .
                                       benar        : After jumping out of a boat, the man was bitten by a shark.

      Untuk menghindari terjadinya Dangling Modifier, maka subyek dari main clause harus sama dengan subject yang dimaksud dalam introductory phrase; dengan kata lain, the introductory phrase menerangkan subject dari main clauses.
         Perhatikan kaimat – kalimat berikut ini :
    Introductory phrase          main clause
1. Looking at his watch,    Budi got up and left.

                Who looked at his watch ? Budi
                Who got up and left ? Budi

    Introductory phrase             main clause
2. Compared to his father,   Ali is a tall man.

                Who is compared to his father ? Ali
                Who is a tall man ? Ali

      Introductory phrase                    main clause
3. To make a collect phone call,  Jono must speak to the operator.

                Who is making a collect phone call ? Jono
                Who must speak to the operator ? Jono

         Seringkali introductory phrase didahului oleh preposisi berikut ini :
by       upon       before      after       while

                e.g :
                1. After eating dinner, she cleaned the table.
                2. By working ten hours a day for five days, we can have a long weekend.
                3. While reviewing for the test, Fatimah  realized that she had forgotten to return her books.

                                Jika introductory phrase berupa (verb + ing) ,maka waktu (tense) dari kalimat ditentukan oleh tense dari kata kerja dalam main clause, dua kejadian (peristiwa) biasanya terjadi secara bersama – sama.
( preposition )   +   ( noun )   +  ( verb  +  ing ).....   +  noun   +   verb

                e.g ( contoh ) :
                Present  :   Practicing her swing every day, Umar hopes to get a job as a golf instructor.
                Past        :   Having a terrible toothache, Jono called the dentist for an appointment.
                Future   :   Finishing the letter tonight, Ani will mail it tomorrow morning.

                Bentuk Perfect (having + past participle) digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa tindakan (kejadian) pada introductory phrase dilakukan (terjadi) sebelum tindakan (kejadian) pada main clause.
( not )    +    having   +    past   participle .....   +    noun   +    verb

               e.g ( contoh ) :
                1. Having finished their supper, the boys went out to play.
                    (After the boys had finished supper, ............)
                2. Having written his composition, Ali handed it to her teacher.
                    (After Ali had written ...............)
                3. Not having read the book, she could not answer the question.
                    (Because she had not read the book............)

                     Introductory Phrase (participal phrase) juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan gagasan dalam bentuk pasif.
( not )   +   having  been   +   ( past participle ) .....  +   noun   +   verb .....

                e.g ( contoh ) :
                1. Having been notified by the court, Elisa reported for jury duty.
                     (After Elisa had been notified, ........ )
                2. Having been delayed by the snowstorm, Rudi and I missed our connecting flight.
                     (After we had been delayed, ......... )
                3. Not having been notified of the change in meeting times, Ali arrived late.
                     (Because he had not been notified, ...............)

           Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai Kesalahan Penempatan Modifier / Penjelas | Modifier Problems ...
   Terima kasih telah berkunjung, Semoga bermanfaat : ) ...


Apa itu Antecedent ? | Arti Macam dan Contoh

Arti Macam dan Contoh ANTECEDENT

Apa itu Antecedent ? | Arti Macam dan Contoh

Apa sih itu antecedent ? apa fungsinya di dalam sebuah kalimat ?

yuk langsung saja lihat pembahasannya berikut ini .....

 Antecedent adalah kata yang diacu ( tempat kembali ) atau ditunjuk oleh pronoun ( kata ganti ).
                e.g ( contoh ) :
                1. I read a bookIt was interesting.
                     ( pronoun it mengacu kepada noun yaitu a book, maka a book disebut antecedent dari it ).

                2. Fatimah attends her class reunion.
                     ( Fatimah adalah antecedent dari her ).

                3. Budi was here yesterday, but today he isn’t.
                    ( Budi adalah antecedent dari he ).

                4. Billa is one of my students.
                     They are helping me paint my house.
                      Billa is one of my students who is helping me paint my house.
                     ( One of my students adalah antecedent dari relative pronoun ‘ who ’ ).

       Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai Arti Macam dan Contoh dari Antecedent ...

Terima kasih telah berkunjung, Semoga bermanfaat : ) ...


Friday, 21 December 2018

Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase, Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase

 Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase,  Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase

             Apa sih itu  Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase,  Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase ?? Apa saja fungsinya dalam sebuah kalimat ?? yuk langsung saja baca dan nambah ilmu ....

 Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase,  Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase

     Berdasarkan kata – kata pendahulunya  (introductory words or pivot words), phrase dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu :
                1. Prepositional Phrase.
                2. Participal Phrase.
                3. Invinitive Phrase.
                4. Gerund Phrase.

                1. Prepositional Phrase
    Prepositional Phrase adalah ungkapan yang mengandung preposisi (kata depan), dan  biasanya dapat dipakai / berfungsi sebagai Noun, Adjective, atau Adverb.
                e.g :
1. The report will be sent in a few days.
2. He is sometimes angry with his wife.
3. I’m sorry fo having come late.
4. The traffic sign points to the left.

                2. Participal Phrase
    Participal Phrase adalah ungkapan yang mengandung participle yang biasanya berfungsi sebagai adjective.
                e.g :
1. Not knowing anyone in town,  he felt very lonesome.
2. Having finished his assigment, he went home.
3. Having lost all my  money, I went home.
4. Students arriving late will not be permitted to enter the lecture hall.
    (Arriving late menjelaskan student).
5. We heard the children crying.

     Arti atau pengertian dari kalimat yang mengandung participal phrase dapat menunjukkan :
                1. Waktu
                   a.         after   (  sesudah   )
                                Having finished all the work, she went home.
                                (Sesudah menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan, dia pulang)
                    b.        While or When   (   ketika   )
                                Walking along the street, I met a friend whom I had not seen for a long time.
                                (Ketika berjalan sepanjang jalan, saya bertemu teman yang telah lama saya tidak berjumpa).
                2. Cause   (  sebab   )
                     Having worked hard all his life, he decided to take a long vacation.
                     (Karena telah bekerja keras sepanjang hidupnya, maka dia mengambil liburan panjang)

   Tetapi kadang – kadang dapat juga menunjukkan pengertian waktu dan sebab bersama – sama.
                Misalnya :            Having eaten  too much, he became sleepy.
                                                Menunjukkan sebab      : karena makan terlalu banyak.
                                                                Sesudah         : makan terlalu banyak.
                                                                Maka              : dia menjadi mengantuk.

   Perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut ini :
                1. Needing some money to buy a  book, Asma cashed a check. (because he needed some money to buy a book, Asma chased a check).
                2. Being unable to afford a car,  she bought a bicycle. (because she was unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle).

                3. Invinitive Phrase.
   Invinitive Phrase adalah adalah ungkapan yang mengandung infinitive dan infinitive phrase dapat digunakan atau berfungsi sebagai Noun, Adjective, atau Adverb.
                e.g :
                Infinitive phrase sebagai Noun :
                1. To read books means to enlarge one’s horizons.
                2. To see his children again will make him happy.
                3. To learn English, you must have intention and practice every day.
                4. To ask more money would  be wrong.
                5. To do that is difficult for me.

                Infinitive Phrase sebagai Adjective :
                1. He wanted clubs to juggle acrobatically.
                2. The poison was strong enough to have killed ten people.
                3. He is a good man for you to know.

                Infinitive Phrase sebagai Adverb :
                1. He read to enlarge his horizons.
                2. He has been warned not to do that again.
                3. I had opened to see her soon.

                4. Gerund Phrase
    Gerund Phrase adalah ungkapan yang mengandung gerund , dan biasanya hanya berfungsi hanya sebagai Noun.
                e.g :
1. Reading books enlarges one’s horizons.
2. Playing with guns is dangerous.
3. Taking a long walk every day is good exercise.
4. Cleaning house every day is not necessary.
5. The  broadcasting by that station comes from the top of a skyscraper.

    Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai  Prepositional Phrase, Participal Phrase,  Invinitive Phrase, dan Gerund Phrase ....

       Terima kasih telah berkunjung, semoga bermanfaat : )


Noun Phrase Adjective Phrase dan Adverbial Phrase | Arti Macam Fungsi dan Contoh

Noun Phrase Adjective Phrase dan Adverbial Phrase

             Apa sih itu Noun Phrase Adjective Phrase dan Adverbial Phrase ?? Apa saja fungsinya dalam sebuah kalimat ?? yuk langsung saja baca dan nambah ilmu ....

Noun Phrase Adjective Phrase dan Adverbial Phrase | Arti Macam Fungsi dan Contoh

    Berdasarkan penggunaannya, Phrase dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 (tiga) macam, yaitu :
                1. Sebagai Noun Phrase.
                2. Sebagai Adjective Phrase.
                3. Sebagai Adverbial Phrase.

    1. Noun Phrase
   Noun Phrase adalah phrase yang digunakan / berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda).
                e.g ( contoh ) :
1. Ayu went to the store for some books.
2. My new car near the door is cost a lot.
3. The cupboard in  this room is small.

    2. Adjective Phrase
   Adjective Phrase adalah phrase yang digunakan atau  berfungsi sebagai adjective, memberi sifat kepada noun atau pronoun.
                 e.g ( contoh ) :
1. Books in black and red were the clerk’s delight.
2. The girl with long hair is my friend.
3. His success in life began early.

   3. Adverbial Phrase
   Adverbial Phrase adalah phrase yang digunakan / berfungsi sebagai adverb,  yakni menerangkan kata kerja.
                 e.g ( contoh ) :
1. He shouted to the house top.
2. Ulin fishes in the big lake.
3. He put the money into his pocket.
  Adverbial Phrase dapat juga digunakan untuk menyatakan (mengekspresikan) beberapa hubungan, seperti mengekspresikan hubungan waktu (expressing a relationof time), place (tempat), manner (cara), degree (tingkat / derajat), cause (sebab), purpose (tujuan/maksud), condition (syarat), atau concession or contration (pertentangan).

                Perhatikan contoh – contoh berikut ini :
    1. Expressing a relation of time
                1. She has been ill since Monday.
                2. We have been studying English for three years.

    2. Expressing a relation of place
                1. I live near the school.
                2. He hurried into the classroom.
                3. The children’s toys were all over the room.

    3. Expressing a relation of manner
                1. He cut it with a knife.
                2. She writes angry letters in red ink.

    4. Expressing a relation of degree
                1. I love her very much.
                2. You must study English more diligently.

    5. Expressing a relation of cause
                1. She was injured because of the bus accident.
                2. I was late because of the rain.
                3. Your father is very angry with you for staying out so late.

  6. Expressing a relation of purpose
                1. She has come  to tell you the latest news.
                2. I leave from Jakarta on Tuesday to buy a lot of books.

    7. Expressing a relation of  concession or contrast
                1. In spite of  the rain he went out.
                2. Regardless of the weather she always bring an umbrella.

    8. Expressing  a relation of condition
                - We will go if necessary.

    Nah, itulah pembahasan mengenai Arti Macam Fungsi dan Contoh Noun Phrase Adjective Phrase dan Adverbial Phrase ....

       Terima kasih telah berkunjung, semoga bermanfaat : )


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