
Saturday 23 February 2019

Contoh Soal Spelling Test (95% orang gagal)

Contoh Soal Spelling Test (95% orang gagal)

Contoh Soal Spelling Test (95% orang gagal)

    Seberapa baikkah Spelling anda ? Kita mungkin sudah jago dalam berbicara bahasa inggris seperti layaknya orang inggris, cas cis cus tanpa jeda, tapi kalo masalah spelling, yakinkah kalian jago dan bisa menaklukkannya ? Yuk cek kemampuan spelling melalui spelling tes berikut.
                Soal berikut di bagi ke dalam 3 level, simple (soal 1 – 5), intermediate (soal 6 – 10) dan advance (soal 11 – 15). 5 detik waktu menjawab untuk setiap soal, dan ingat – ingat jawaban yang kalian pilih, lalu cocokkan dengan jawabannya…..

                SPELLING TEST

1. I will check the date on my  ________
                a. calindar
                b. calender
                c. calendar

2. Stop it now ! You are ________ me !
                a. embarrissing
                b. embarrassing
                c. embarrissing

3. Lucy will not be here in January, so we will get together in ________
                a. Febuary
                b. Februery
                c. February

4. My first dance lesson is on ________
                a. Wednesday
                b. Wensday
                c. Wedsday
5. His biggest problem in school was ________
                a. gramar
                b. grammer
                c. grammar

6. He runs a successful ________
                a. bisness
                b. business
                c. buisness

7. Stuff like paper, pens, pencils, envelops, and so on is called ________
                a. stationary
                b. stationery
                c. stationairy

8. I will have my ________ get back with you.
                a. asistant
                b. assisstant
                c. assistant

9. His parent told him that going to college was absolutely________ if he wanted to build the career of his dreams.
                a. neccessary
                b. necessary
                c. necesary

10. Most universities provide out-of-state student with ________
                a. acomodation
                b. accommadation
                c. accommodation

11. He broke up with Jessica because he was afraid of ________
                a. commitment
                b. comitment
                c. commitmant

12. It’s okay, mistakes are a common ________ in spelling.
                a. ocurence
                b. occurance
                c. occurrence

13. Eric’s straight a’s are a result of his hard work and ________
                a. perserverance
                b. persaverence
                c. perseverance

14. He lived a life on wealth and ________
                a. privlidge
                b. privilege
                c. priviledge

15. I like this song for it’s ________
                a. rhythm
                a. rythem
                c. rythm

   Yuk sekarang lihat jawabannya,

                JAWABAN (ANSWER)

1. C. calendar
2. B. embarrassing
3. C. February
4. A. Wednesday
5. C. grammar
6. B. business
7. B. stationery
8.  C. assistant
9. B. necessary
10. C. accommodation
11. A. commitment
12. C. occurrence
13. C. perseverance
14. B. privilege
15. A. rhythm

   Nah, gimana hasilnya ? Bisakah teman - teman menjawab spelling test di atas ? Jika teman – teman masih bisa menjawab di bawah 10, itu tandanya perlu meningkatkan skill di spelling, tapi kalau di atas 10, berarti spelling teman – teman bisa dikatakan baik, dan jika 15 soal dapat terjawab dengan benar semua, selamat…berarti teman – teman mampu menaklukkan spelling test dimana 95% orang gagal.

       Semoga bermanfaat : )



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